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Christmas Wishes

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“Your wife has something she’d like to share with you...” The doctor took a few steps back towards Molly, patting her on the shoulder.

Molly wiped at her cheeks and eyes before she swiveled towards Nicholas to face him. “Nicholas, I—”

“Whatever it is, Molly, whatever it is, I’ll be here, 100%,” Nicholas assured her. He to his knees before her. “We’ll figure it out. We can figure whatever it is out, together. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good to know you’re committed,” Molly told him, a slow smile filling her face. “Because I’m pregnant.”

“I’m sorry?” Nicholas turned back towards the doctor, but the doctor only offered him a shrug and a smile.

Nicholas then turned back towards his wife. “Pregnant? Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?”

Molly nodded, and her grin grew further across her face. “Do you wanna know the best part?”

“What’s the best part?” Nicholas struggled to ask the question as he was feeling a little wobbly in his knees.

“We’re having twins,” she whispered. Molly wrapped her arms around her husbands neck and hugged him. “We’re getting two for the price of one!”

“What a deal, what a deal...” Nicholas collected his nerves while holding Molly tight in his embrace. “And, just to be sure, you’re, uh, sure about all of this? That we’re definitely pregnant? That we’re definitely having two?”

“We’re as sure as sure can be, Mr. Kerstman,” the doctor answered Nicholas’ question from near the door.

“Alright then.” Nicholas’ words came out with a sense of certitude.

“Alright then?” Molly repeated Nicholas’ words back to him. “What’s that supposed to mean, Mr. Kerstman?”

“It means bring it on, Mrs. Kerstman,” he told her. He grinned and picked Molly up by her waist, twirling her around the room. “You think having twins is going to make me lose that bet? The one about me getting tired of you before you get tired of me? You’ll have to try a bit harder than that.”

“You’re really willing to put yourself through raising twins all for the sake of five bucks?” Molly feigned a loud gasp.

“I think that I’m pretty much willing to do anything, as long as it’s with you, Mrs. Kerstman,” he told her. Nicholas smiled down at Molly, and he kissed her forehead.

Molly kissed Nicholas’ chin in response, and a few minutes later, they were checked out of the doctor’s office.

Somewhere along the way home, Molly decided that it’d be an amazing Christmas present to wait to announce their pregnancy to both of their families. Nicholas agreed with the thought, and he imagined the look of surprise and joy that would fill his own mother’s face.

* * *

When Christmas day rolled around, Molly chose to gather everyone into their living room with the over-sized candy cane set up beside Nicholas and Molly’s Christmas tree.

Molly handed out boxes to each of the soon-to-be grandparents, her hands shaking as she told them to open them at the same time.

Four boxes opened. Four t-shirts with the words “I'm a Grandparent!” came out of the boxes.

Molly started the announcement off rather nervous, stumbling over her words. Nicholas jumped in at the very last second, pointing down at Molly’s abdomen, and then pointing to the baby cherubs which hung as ornaments on the New Kerstmans’ Christmas tree.

“Oh, Nicholas,” Mrs. Kerstman sobbed. “Really? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” Nicholas replied. “And good news! You won’t ever have to fight over who gets to babysit the grand kid, because there’s two. We’re actually having twins.”

The now-grandparents in the room exchanged worried looks with each other, and Nicholas couldn’t help but to break out into a laugh. “Oh, come on. We all know two is better than one.”

“It’s a good deal! We promise!” Molly chimed into the conversation now as she took her husband by the hand. “I think it’ll be a lot of fun, too. With two of them around.”

“Uh-huh. You two better enjoy your Silent Nights while you still got ‘em.” Mr. Carmichael’s voice was deadpan as he added to the conversation.

And in that moment, the entire room erupted into laughter. With all the joy and cheer brought forth by the announcement, Nicholas and Molly took a moment to glance at each other, with enough love in both of their hearts to last over several, several lifetimes.

And with that, they turned their focus back to the celebration at hand, fielding questions from their respective parents about potential baby names, potential baby shower dates, and potential job titles for the little helpers that would soon be a permanent part of Christmas Wishes by this time next year.

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