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Wishful Kisses (The Kisses 4.5)

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I gave him a silent hug. Dean nodded and steered his bike up to the garage of the big beach house. We watched him for a moment as he turned off the engine and started to jog to catch up to Rachel. I hadn't noticed, but she was almost halfway to the boardwalk.

"Few more laps around the neighborhood, and then get some grub?" Matt asked. Jenny peeped over his shoulder like a Cheshire cat.

Tony nodded and revved his engine. I felt the motorcycle vibrate underneath me, sending shivers of excitement up my thighs and pulsing on my nether regions. Between the sensation of the bike and being pressed against Tony, it wouldn't be difficult to find ecstasy.

Tony and Matt weaved their motorcycles back and forth across the quiet street, giving us a ride. It wasn't near the level of daredevilry as earlier, but it was still fun. The sound of their engines was deafening. I laughed and held onto Tony, enjoying every sensation. The sun was warm on my back when we finally pulled into a driveway of a large, gray beach house. An older gentlemen with a shock of white hair came out to greet us.

"Tony Frontera!" the older man said, reaching out to grasp Tony's hand. "Did you boys have fun?"

"We had a great time, Mr. Lee," Tony answered, shaking his hand. "They handled like a dream. I really appreciate you letting us use them. We left one in my aunt's garage, but I can go back and get it for you."

"First of all, Tony, it's Jim. Not Mr. Lee." Jim smiled. "And second, I'm glad you boys had fun. I was in the service at your age, and I would have loved this."

"We really thank you, Mr. Lee," Matt said, helping Jenny off the bike. Jim opened his garage to reveal several rows of motorcycles. It looked like they were his passion.

"I'll go get that other bike for you, Mr... Jim," Tony said as he carefully finished putting away his motorcycle.

"Don't worry about it, Tony," Jim said, waving his hand through the air to dismiss the offer. "I'll walk back with you and get it myself. Been meaning to go out for a ride today anyway."

Jim closed his garage, and the small group of us began the short walk back to Tony's place. Matt had his arm looped casually over Jenny's shoulder, and I could see her elbow him in the ribs every time he let his hand fall to touch her breast. In contrast, Tony held my hand as we walked, keeping up a conversation with Jim.

"So, how long have you known Tony, Mr. Lee?" I asked as we walked. Jim smiled at me.

"Tony used to spend every summer up here at his Aunt Maria's house." The older man's eyes lit up in memory. "I once caught him trying to sneak into my garage when you were what, ten?"

"Nine. But yeah..." Tony said sheepishly. "In my defense, they were really awesome."

"I taught him how to drive," Jim remembered. "Both a motorcycle and a car. Your aunt was always glad to have you here."

"I was always glad to be here. Beat being home." Tony shrugged.

"Well, I enjoyed teaching you," Mr. Lee said. "And I'm glad I was able to give you boys a good time while you were home."

We walked up the long driveway to the beach house, and Tony opened the garage for Mr. Lee.

"Thank you again, sir," Matt said. Jenny echoed a similar sentiment. Mr. Lee nodded to them, and they went inside. Mr. Lee went to his bike and picked up the helmet Dean had left carefully perched on the handlebars.

"It was good to see you, Tony." Mr. Lee stepped forward and caught Tony in a hug. "Don't be a stranger around here when you get back, okay?"

"I won't, sir." Tony grinned at him. "I like the bikes too much."

Mr. Lee laughed. "Take care of him," he said, turning to me. "He's a good man."

With that he got on the bike and started the engine. Tony waved as his neighbor powered down the driveway and out of sight. I stood next to Tony, my hand sliding easily into his.

"He's more to you than just a neighbor, isn't he?" I asked. Tony nodded, his eyes still following Mr. Lee.

"When my dad died, my mom kinda freaked. Didn't know what to do with me. She pawned me off a lot on my aunt, and so I spent a lot of time here." His voice was distant. There was no sadness in it, just fact. It made my heart break. I could just see him as a boy, skinny and shy, trying to sneak into Mr. Lee's garage to look at the motorcycles. "My aunt and Mr. Lee have a lot of the same friends. He took me under his wing when I was here."

Tony was quiet for a moment, his mind lost to memories of his childhood. "He said he taught you how to drive?" I prompted.

"Yeah," Tony said with a smile. "He taught me how to shave, too. The man is basically the closest thing I have to a father."

"I'm glad you got to see him on your trip then," I said, squeezing his hand.

"Me too. I had lunch with him when we got here, so that was good."

"I think he was right about you," I said quietly to myself, watching as Tony straightened up the garage before closing it. "You are a good man."

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