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Curves of the French Riviera

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“That is most fortunate! Are you two staying in town for long?” His dark eyes seemed to draw Megan in, even from across the railing. She felt like he was pulling her into him, and she consciously had to not step forward and she was glad her arm was still linked with Laura’s so she wouldn’t be tempted.

“We are. My aunt lives in town and we are staying with her for a few days.” Megan spoke before she even realized it. She always let Laura do the talking in these situations. Her voice sounded strangely confident in her ears.

“Magnifique! Perhaps tomorrow you two would like to ride out to sea with me? I would like to practice my English with some Americans if you have the time.” His smile was warm and welcoming.

“That sounds wonderful, but we will have to check with our Aunt,” answered Laura quickly. Megan almost hit her; she would have hopped on his boat and sailed away that moment if he had asked.

“But of course. Here is my card. If you are able, please call me. It will be a wonderful time, I promise.” He leaned out over the railing with a business card in his fingers. Megan moved before Laura could stop her, reaching up to grab it. Her hand grazed his as the card transferred, and electricity sizzled through their touch. Megan cradled the card carefully in her hand, desperately trying to convince herself that she didn’t just feel something. Laura snatched the card from her fingers, reading the name on the front. Megan grabbed it back forcefully, nearly knocking Laura over as she retrieved it.

“Well, Monsieur Gabriel Aubert, we will hopefully see you tomorrow.” Laura called up to him, carefully guiding Megan back towards the brightly lit town center. He called a good evening after them, leaning on the railing to watch them walk away. Megan made sure to walk her best, hoping he was looking at her and not Laura. She couldn’t understand why Laura was pulling her away so vehemently. The idea of jealousy floated through her mind, but Megan disregarded it. Who would be jealous of her? But she remembered the way his eyes smoldered at her from across the railing and she wondered. When they reached the glow of a restaurant just off the pier, Laura finally stopped dragging Megan forward and turned to face her.

“What were you thinking? You don’t know him and there wasn’t anyone nearby! You don’t know if he owns that boat or what he was doing there!” Laura growled at Megan. Megan stopped for a moment, the idea that he might have been dangerous never even really entered her mind. She paled a little, but just clutched the card tighter in her hands. All she could remember was the electric spark of his touch.

“What if he does own the boat though, Laura? What if we got to go out with him? We’ll Google him and see what Auntie says. She knows everyone around here anyways. Besides, all he did was give us his card.” She hoped she sounded calm, because in her head she felt torn between screaming or singing. Something about him triggered a primal desire in her. She prayed that he could deliver on his promise. She prayed that he was all that her imagination was making him into.

“You liked him, didn’t you?” Laura’s whole demeanor suddenly changed as she figured it out. A conspiratorial smile took control of her features. When Megan didn’t answer right away, she knew the answer. “You like him! And I think he liked you- he barely even glanced at me.” Megan rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Barely glanced? No one barely glances at you. Especially not because they are looking at me,” said Megan.

“Don’t sell yourself short! I have experience in when men are looking at me and when they aren’t. He was looking at you like a starving man at a buffet.”

“Really?” Megan let herself hope for a moment.

“Really. Let’s go home and ask Auntie right now before she goes to bed. I want to get you that date tomorrow!” Laura grabbed Megan’s hand and began towing her towards home. Megan felt a silly smile fill her face as she let herself hope.


Gabriel Aubert, according to the internet entry, was a self-made billionaire. He was the owner of the famed Fortune Inc television and media company, as well as several other smaller companies. He vacationed frequently in the French Riviera, was known for his love of sailing, and was considered one of France’s most eligible bachelors. The picture on the website was somehow more handsome than Megan remembered meeting. His black hair was smoothed back, a chiseled jaw, and intense green eyes. She hadn’t been able to see the color of his eyes in the dark, and now they seemed to stare into her soul from the computer screen.

“Gabriel Aubert? I met him last year at a charity fundraiser. He donated over a million dollars to the children’s fund that year. I remember thinking he was very intense. Very good looking, but very intense. You two girls met him and he offered you a ride on his yacht? Did I mention the good looking part? I would ride on his boat in a second, if you know what I mean…” Auntie trailed off with a wink. Megan turned to stare at her aunt, Laura laughing as she scrolled down the computer screen. Auntie stood up and kissed each girl on the head, turning out the kitchen light as she left the room. She called out a good night as she headed off to bed, the two girls still giggling

“Did you bring that blue dress- the one with the low scoop neck?” Laura asked Megan, her face intent on the glowing screen.

“Only because you made me. I still don’t know how you convinced me to buy it.” Megan replied as she flopped onto the couch, chewing on a fingernail.

“Well, it says here is favorit

e color is blue. So, you are wearing that tomorrow. Hand me the phone, will you?” said Laura holding her hand out towards Megan .

“You are serious about this, aren’t you? I really think you are crazy. A billionaire Laura. He could have anyone he wants- supermodels, regular models, hand models- literally anyone. Why would he be interested in me?” replied Megan handing her the home phone. Laura picked up his business card and began dialing.

“Because he sees what I see. You sell yourself short Megs…. Yes,” she straightened up, obviously not expecting a person to pick up. “Is this Mr. Aubert?” she said, going pale a little bit. Before her pause became too awkward, she regained her senses and began talking. “This is Laura and Megan from the dock this evening. We were hoping your offer to go out tomorrow evening was still available? Yes- 7pm on the docks. We will be there, thank you so much. Have a wonderful evening.” She set the phone down with a small click. “I just spoke to a billionaire on his personal line. He gave us his personal line, Megs- I feel like someone out of a movie!” Laura spun her chair around to face Megan, her face suddenly stern. “Now get to bed young lady- I need you to be your best tomorrow!”


Laura and Megan sat down at a little restaurant overlooking the town square, a fountain gurgling pleasantly in the background. They were taking a break from shopping for that evening, the restaurant not yet busy with the lunch crowd. Megan ordered a white wine while they looked over the lunch menu, a refreshing breeze ruffling the patio umbrellas. The waiter took their order quickly in French, leaving them to enjoy the warm summer day.

“Salut, Mademoiselles! I did not expect to see you before tonight,” a deep voice greeted them. Megan felt herself turn a deep scarlet and she considered hiding behind her menu as Gabriel greeted them. He looked even more handsome in the daylight; his black hair was windblown around his chiseled face, his green eyes intense on her.

“Salut! Would you like to join us, Mr. Aubert? We only just ordered, and we would love your company,” Laura chirped up sweetly at him. Megan kicked her under the table, she was nervous enough for tonight without a surprise luncheon. She felt suddenly very underdressed in her jean shorts and t-shirt. Her heart pounded with hope and fear with what he would say, unsure of which answer she actually wanted.

“Please, call me Gabriel. I would be delighted to join you,” he grinned as he hopped the fence. Megan felt a thrill of excitement run through her as he sat across the table. He was close enough to touch, and somehow growing more attractive by the minute. She gulped a sip of wine, nearly choking as it tried to go into her lungs. She set it down carefully, trying not to cough, wondering if he had noticed, but he simply picked up a menu and asked what they had ordered. Megan took a deep breath, determined not to make a complete fool of herself.

“So, Gabriel, where are you thinking of taking us this evening?” Her lips loved the way his name felt. She was trying not to stare at him, but she wanted to take in everything about him.

“I was hoping to take you out to where you can see the entire city. The lights are quite beautiful from the water.” He smiled, his green eyes intent on Megan. She gulped and smiled nervously under his gaze. She could smell his cologne. It was clean and masculine, just the way a man should smell.

“So, how long have you been sailing?” Laura asked to keep a conversation going. His eyes never left Megan as he answered.

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