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Curves of the French Riviera

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He turned and led her to the aft deck where a small table sat with candles. An elegantly dressed man held a bottle of wine out to Gabriel as he guided her to her chair. He nodded and waved to the man with the wine, then indicated to the table.

“William, there will be just the two of us tonight.” His smile lit her world.

“Very good sir,” William instantly replied with a slight tilt of his head. He cleared the third table from the table, leaving the open bottle of wine chilling in a small bucket. Gabriel reached over and poured her a glass.

“I noticed you ordered white wine at the restaurant, I hope this is to your liking.”

She tasted it and smiled. It was perfect. She nodded her approval as William arrived with a covered tray, carefully serving them. The meal passed by in a happy daze. She remembered tasting some sort of delicious fish in a butter sauce, but she was far more enthralled by Gabriel. The two of them laughed, telling jokes and stories, giggling over their food. Gabriel listened intently whenever she spoke, his green eyes glowing with interest. No one had ever paid so much attention to her. It felt as though the world were revolving around her, spinning in heady circles. The stars moved silently overhead, the celestial bodies each taking their turn watching the young lovers.

William cleared the table, leaving only their half full wine glasses and the low flickering candle.

“That will be all for tonight, William.” Gabriel dismissed him, his eyes never leaving Megan.

“Good evening, Sir. Good evening miss.” He bobbed his head respectfully at both of them before disappearing into the darkness.

“How many people are aboard this ship anyway?” Megan suddenly asked, wondering how many people were watching her, she glanced behind her suspiciously.

“Other than you and I? Three. William, Jean-Pierre, and Annabeth. They have their own rooms below deck, so you don’t have to worry about them. They have been my sailing crew for years,” he reached out and held her hand. Megan bit her lip, wondering what they must think of her. Gabriel noticed her expression. “If you don’t want them here, I can have them leave.”

“We’re in the middle of the ocean on a boat. Where would they go?” She asked, imagining William in his fancy outfit swimming through the ocean towards shore.

“There is an inflatable raft that we use to go into port on long trips. It is easy enough to have them take it and go ashore. I will wake them up and have them leave if it will make you more comfortable.” He held her hand tightly, his eyes linked to hers. She thought about it for a moment. She had only seen William when he brought them their food; he had been polite and respectful, and it was well after midnight now. No need to wake them up.

“No, they are sleeping. Besides, if you send them away, who will pour our coffee in the morning?” She said, mostly joking.

His eyes lit up, apparently taking her more seriously than she thought he would. “Would you like to stay the night with me? I would like it very much if you did,” he answered. His voice sounded full of hope.

She could hardly believe her ears. It was everything she hoped for. “Yes, I would.”

His smile beamed at her. His happiness filled the deck, and he practically danced in his seat with joy. Megan felt strange to be the center of his happiness, but it felt comfortable and right. Everything felt like a puzzle falling into place with him. He stood and moved to her seat, offering his hand to help her stand. As she rose, the ship suddenly rolled on a large wave. He caught her easily, pulling her into his arms like they were dancing. He felt stron

g and safe. He laughed, the sound joyful, as his hand went to her chin to pull her in for a kiss.

She felt like her whole life had been leading to this experience, this moment. The universe had been smiling upon her the whole time, knowing that this was what awaited her. The cruel children’s taunts, the lonely nights, the tears of shame, were all so that this moment could be this sweet. She thought her heart might burst from happiness. Never had any man shown this much care and attention to her. She felt her heart slipping into his pocket, knowing that he was all she ever wanted. It felt so incredibly fast, yet incredibly right to be falling in love with him. As she looked into his eyes, she knew he felt the same.

He smiled, and grabbed her hand, leading her to the master suite. She was stunned by the luxury of the room, as it looked like it belonged more in a fancy hotel than a ship. An oversized bed sat in the center of the room, mahogany wood wrapping it to the floor and matching the walls and dressers. She could see satin bed sheets and large fluffed pillows, a soft glow coming from two impressive lamps. It was all nautical themed, with fish carved into the walls to look like the ocean was surrounding them. The elegance of it all took her breath away. He closed the door softly behind her as she stared at the elegance of the room. She quickly lost interest in it though as he stood behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. With his other hand, he pulled her hair to the side and began kissing down her neck. Every kiss was whisper soft, driving her crazy with every silky touch. She moaned softly, her body aching to have him. He continued to kiss her as he found the zipper running down her back. It slowly gave way, opening before him.

She turned slowly around, stepping back slightly as she pulled the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. His eyes grew dark with desire as he looked her over. No one had ever looked at her so lustfully, so eagerly. She felt a boldness enter her, a yearning to give herself completely to him because he wanted her. She had never felt this way before. Never had she thought of herself as beautiful, but as he looked at her, his eyes devouring every inch, she felt like a divine goddess.

He quickly stripped himself of his shirt, leaving him in only dark blue slacks. His arms were well muscled from sailing, his chest muscular and smooth. She carefully slid out of her heels as he loomed over her, his masculine scent filling her senses. He kissed her again, his hands running across the bare skin of her shoulders and back. Her hands pressed into his stomach, feeling his muscles tighten as he pulled her in closer.

“You’re shaking…” he whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her. “Is everything all right? We can stop…”

“No! No, please don’t stop. I have never wanted anything in my life so badly as I want you. I am just afraid this is a dream and I will wake up. I am scared this night is going to end and I am going to go back to back to… to being normal.” She looked up at him, her eyes big with hope and fear. She couldn’t go back to playing second fiddle after being with him. She had finally tasted what it felt like to be the winner, to be wanted. Megan could feel the ropes of her insecurities creeping around her.

“I have waited for someone like you for so long. Megan, I have never felt this way about anyone. Especially never so quickly. Since I saw you, I have been able to think of nothing else. Every time I close my eyes, it is your smile I see.” His voice cracked, so full of emotion she thought it might somehow burst. “I wasn’t sure if it was all in my head, but then in the restaurant. I felt such a connection to you, something I couldn’t resist. Something I didn’t want to resist. I was so afraid you wouldn’t come tonight, that you would change your mind. I can’t tell you how wonderful tonight has been for me.”

He caressed her face, running his fingers down her cheek. His eyes burned a fiery green, truth shining out of every word. His words sliced through the ropes of insecurity and fear. She felt a sudden sense of freedom. Her body ached to feel him, to give substance to his words. Megan reached her hands up, bringing his handsome face into a kiss. She drank him in like he was oxygen. His masculine taste and smell filling her senses, drawing forth a carnal need. As she pushed herself against him, she could feel his growing erection pushing back at her. Yes. I want you. She wasn’t sure if she whispered it out loud, or if he read her mind, but he kissed her as if she had shouted it.

He put his hands on her hips and gently pushed her back onto the bed. She sat down, and reached behind her, unclasping her bra and then slowly removing it. His pupils dilated as he looked at her breasts, his face full of need. He lowered his face to her breast, his mouth open hungrily; he found one nipple, gently caressing it with his tongue, then sucking on it until it was a hard pink nub. His hand found her other breast, cupping it and squeezing its plumpness in his palm. She moaned, rising her hips up towards his, the dull ache in her middle calling out to be filled

She slid to the center of the beautiful bed, lying down as he climbed on top of her, kissing her shoulders and collar bone. She could feel his erection pushing through the fabric of his pants and into her leg. Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling his face into her chest as he kissed her breasts. He pushed his crotch towards her, his hardness questing towards her heat.

He slowly began kissing down from her breast, down her stomach to her underwear line. With short sweet kisses he traced the top of her lacy panties, his tongue leaving a small wet line across her skin. She shuddered with anticipation as he slowly began working them off of her hips, inching them down an inch at a time. She raised her hips and he slid the small piece of fabric off, working it down her legs and then onto the floor. He could smell her juices running as she spread her legs before him.

With sensual slowness, he traced the length of her slit, from the top of her pubic bone down to her ass. The soft touch made her quiver with excitement and she spread her legs wider to allow him access. He leisurely began to pull her labia apart, revealing her opening to him like a flower. He ran his thumb across her clit, feeling it swell at his touch. He then raised its little hood, pinching it gently between his pointer and middle finger, swirling it in a small circle. The sudden onslaught of pleasure made her cry out and arch her hips, and she began to grind her hips to his beat. He smiled and a low chuckle left his throat as he began working her towards a climax. She reached up and began to play with her own nipples, pinching them and rubbing them into hard nubs of sensation. A throbbing tension was building in her core, the dam holding her pleasure back weakening. He began rubbing his thumb across her opening, barely sliding it into her. His hand was quickly covered in her juices, his thumb sliding deeper and deeper with ever stroke. She could feel the dam break, a tsunami of sensation rushing through her. Every inch of her skin felt like it was made of fire and pleasure, her body vibrating with bliss. He dove his thumb deep into her wet recesses as she contracted her muscles. A whimper of joy escaped her lips as the seas of her pleasure finally subsided.

He stood, and removed his pants, tossing them carelessly to the ground. His underwear immediately followed, but before he could get back on the bed, she was sitting at the edge of the bed. Her eyes were level with his now free cock, and she licked her lips as it filled her vision. She reached a hand up, and stroked it from the tip of the head down to the line between his balls. She carefully wrapped her hand around its base, and kissed the fully engorged head. A small pearl of wetness leaked out, and she licked it up like a delicacy. She looked up at him through her eyelashes as she guided him into her mouth. She began moving her head back and forth, sucking and moving her tongue, her hand firmly squeezing the base. He groaned and put his fingers into her hair, losing himself in his pleasure. She listened as his words slipped into French, his head tipped back as he concentrated on the sensations.

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