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Curves of the French Riviera

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“Anything you wan


“Pancakes and eggs?” she asked hopefully.

“With or without chocolate chips?” he grinned at her, turning to pick up a phone on the nightstand.

“With. Oh, and coffee!” she added. Someone on the other end answered as he rattled off her breakfast request. She could hear a female oui on the other end before he set the phone back in its cradle. He cuddled her back into him, whispering sweet words into her hair. She giggled, and the two of them began to whisper secrets. It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. Gabriel jumped up and opened it, a silver serving tray on the doorstep. He carefully brought it in and set it on the bed, raising the lid to reveal their breakfast. It was the most beautiful breakfast platter she had ever seen. It looked like a work of art instead of a meal. She began to pour the coffee as Gabriel fished two terry cloth robes from a closet. She wrapped herself in the soft material as they began to eat.

She was sure she was still fast asleep. Any moment her alarm would wake her and send her back into her gray world where her dates left before they fell asleep. Where she was never served breakfast, let alone breakfast in bed. She prayed to never wake from this dream, to never wake from this golden world where his green eyes never left her. To never leave this moment, where she felt wanted and beautiful. Megan thought she could cry from happiness. It had to be a wonderful dream. She waited until Gabriel focused on his food, and she pinched the inside of her wrist as hard as she could. Pain shot through her as she bit down a yelp. It was the most wonderful sensation she had ever experienced, because it meant the morning was real.

After breakfast, Gabriel pulled her out onto the deck. She felt a little silly wearing nothing but a bathrobe, but his childlike enthusiasm pulled her forward. They stood out in the sunshine, the waves lapping gently at the boat, a seabird flying overhead. Gabriel stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her as they stared out at the horizon.

“Will you have dinner with me tonight again, ma chérie?” he cooed into her ear. She turned to look at him, his beautiful green eyes catching hers and never letting go.

“I would do anything with you, Gabriel,” she whispered, her voice betraying her emotions. Happiness radiated off him in waves as he pulled her in for a kiss. His lips pressed into hers, his tongue questing for her sweetness. She whimpered with pleasure into his mouth, his arms surrounding and supporting her as her knees went weak.

“Perhaps we could go back to the bedroom?” she gasped when he finally released her lips from his. A impish smile took hold of his features, the wind blowing his dark hair across his eyes.

“Why bother going back to the bedroom?”

Megan and Gabriel have fallen hard for each other. They continued seeing each other during Megan's vacation. However, the vacation eventually drew to a close. Here is one of their stories:

Curves on the Topless Beach

“I cannot believe how lucky we are Megs. I mean, look at this beach!” Laura said as they drove down the dirt road that ran parallel to Gabriel's private beach.

Megan couldn't believe how lucky she was either, for many reasons. After the night of passionate sex with Gabriel, she had, at any moment, expected the rug to be pulled out from under her. It had been almost a week, and things had only gotten better. When they pulled up the dirt road to the billionaire's beach house, she had half expected the code that he had texted her not to work. Of course, it worked, and the two drove up.

“A parking lot? This guy must throw some nice parties,” Laura said. Megan looked at his beach house. Large but not too extravagant, with a huge covered patio to the side of it. The perfect party house, she thought. The two women grabbed their towels and made their way to the beach.

They laid their towels down on two chairs waiting under two parasols, and they took off their clothes to reveal their bathing suits. Laura immediately took her top off, revealing her small, perky breasts. To Laura's surprise, Megan did the same.

“Well, I guess he has made you more confident,” Laura said. Megan smiled. It wasn't as though she was more confident, it was that the only person that would see them down here would be Gabriel, and she was absolutely comfortable around him. She had been more intimate with him in the past few days than she had ever been with a man, and he seemed to be opening up to her as well.

That's not to say that they had spent all of the last few days together. Even though he was technically on his vacation, Gabriel was a busy man, as she knew many successful men were. However, he seemed to want to spend every moment he could with her. He had his personal helicopter fly him around several times between business centers and the French resort town just so he could see her. Right at that moment he was at a board meeting, but he was going to meet the two of them and they would be going to dinner at Megan's aunt's house.

“You're going to want some of this for sure,” Laura said as she tossed Megan the sunscreen. Megan thanked her as she squirted some in her hand and began to coat the easily burned areas of her body. She paid special attention to her own breasts. They had not got much sun in the first part of this vacation and the tan lines were very obvious. She made sure to get every inch of her large boobs, thankful that at least her curves had meant that she was blessed in this department.

The two laid down and began to tan. Megan started on her stomach, letting the sun bake her back. The alarm on her cell phone went off, and the two women flipped over, Megan onto her back and Laura on her stomach. A few minutes later, Megan saw Laura perk up a little bit. “Hey there!” she said, raising herself up on her elbows.

Megan chuckled to herself. Where most girls would cover themselves a little, Laura was confident enough to expose herself. Megan continued to lie there, not even turning around to look back at Gabriel, hopefully giving him a little show before they went out. She had no problem with his eyes on her, and Laura's eyes were obviously elsewhere. In fact, she was staring at something. Was that jealousy shining through? No, she must just be being friendly. Unless...

“Who's your friend?” Laura asked.

Megan jumped up, instantly reaching for her tankini top and covered her chest. Gabriel chuckled. As she looked over, she saw two men dressed in white khakis and white t-shirts, both muscular and tall. The one with brunette hair she knew, and the one with blonde hair she did not. The one that she knew looked at her lovingly, with eyes only for her. The other's eyes were fixated directly on Laura.

“Relax, ma cherie. This is Jean-Pierre, my first mate. He has agreed to take Mademoiselle Laura to the Champs-Élysées to buy a dress and shoes. You will of course be taking my helicopter so that you can make it back in time for dinner,” he explained.

Laura practically jumped out of her beach chair. She walked up to the buff man and held out her hand, looking for a handshake. “Nice to meet you, Jean-Pierre,” she said.

Jean-Pierre grabbed her hand gently and slowly brought it to his lips. When he kissed it, Laura turned red, and it wasn't from the sun's kiss on her skin.

“Jean-Pierre also doesn't speak a word of English, but I know that shouldn't be a problem for you,” Gabriel continued.

Laura smiled. “No problem at all.” She turned around and quickly threw her clothes on. Megan lowered her tankini top, deciding that Jean-Pierre was no one to be self-conscious around.

Laura gave Megan a kiss on the cheek before leaving. “See you tonight!” she said, then happily took Jean-Pierre's arm as he lead her to the helipad, conveniently just as Gabriel's helicopter flew by overhead, coming in for a landing.

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