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Stepbrother's Gift

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Hey girl, just checking in. Hadn't heard from you for a couple weeks. I was hoping we wouldn't fall out of touch again. Call me or email me whenever you have a chance.

I bit my lip. I didn't want to lose touch with her either. She was my best friend and was stuck in our home town, attending community college to get her core classes out of the way. I had been bad about keeping in contact before, but I didn't want to lose touch either. I emailed her back.

Hey! Nothing new here, just attending classes and loving life. What have you been up to?

Her response came immediately.

Nothing happening here in Podunk. Have you talked to James yet?

I didn't know what to tell her. I had lied to her the other day when I had been in Boston, saying that I had told him a little bit but not telling her the full extent. I didn't want to lie to her again. Still, I knew I couldn't tell her about all the sex we had. I carefully worded my email.

Actually, I'm flying out to Boston tomorrow to see his band play.

Almost immediately, my phone began to ring. Tessa's face popped up on my screen. “Hello?” I answered.

“Allie, listen to me. I need to tell you something very important.” I heard worry in her voice.

“Yeah, absolutely. What's up?”


“I can't tell you over this phone. He's probably monitoring your communication.”

“James monitoring my communication? Tessa, that's...” I stopped myself. I already knew that he had been monitoring my email somehow. It wasn't completely ridiculous that, with all the emails we had sent back and forth, he had installed some kind of spyware all over my cell phone. “I guess he could be. Do you want to chat on myFace?”

“He wouldn't stop at your phone, he'd probably spy on your computer as well. I want you to call me at my work's phone at this number.” I wrote down the digits she said. “Call from a pay phone.”

“Tessa, this is the year 2015. Where am I going to find a pay phone?”

“I don't care, just find some line that you don't think he'd be monitoring. I have something important to tell you and I don't want him to hear it.” She hung up.

I hung up my own phone, then hesitated for a moment. Was Tessa being overly paranoid? I looked at my phone in disbelief. No way James would be spying on me to the point where he was recording my phone conversations. I knew that he cared about me. Whatever Tessa had to say, it couldn't be that bad.

Then again, I had heard the fear in her voice. I threw on my coat and left my dorm room, determined to find a phone.

Whatever she had to say would be worth at least listening to.

Chapter Twenty-Six

I stared at my own phone, unsure if I should just call Tessa back immediately on my cell phone. She'd probably never know, unless her work had caller ID and she had my cell phone memorized. However, I had heard the warning, the fear in her voice.

“He's probably monitoring your communication. He wouldn't stop at your phone, he'd probably spy on your computer as well,” she had said.

The thought was borderline silly. If it had been anyone other than James, I would have thought that she was being paranoid. However, it was James. Even if he wasn't an expert at communications technology, he was a billionaire, and had access to all the resources that that entailed. It would probably be trivial for him to hire a private investigator to keep me under tabs.

Why would he do that, though? That question was kind of unimportant, though. I already had some evidence that he was monitoring the communications we sent in some way.

“You weren't answering your phone or reading your emails,” he had said. He specifically mentioned that I hadn't read the emails, when he could have just said that I wasn't answering my phone or emails. At the time I had blown it off as fairly harmless, and had also figured that it was the worst that he was doing. I wasn't so sure now.

I slipped on some flip flops and grabbed my room key. Sometimes I would just leave the door open when I left if Nicole was there, but she was out partying or something tonight. I was glad that she hadn't heard me mention James' name on the phone. Ever since their night dancing, I had been more and more worried that Nicole had been keeping in contact with him. If James ever came back to New York, I'd have to make sure that she didn't get anywhere near him.

The front room of the dorm was a common area with a ping pong table, some tables and chairs, and a TV. It was the only area of the dorm where boys were allowed without an escort, which made James barging into my room two weeks ago that much more baffling.

I looked around for a pay phone. This building was built more than thirty years ago, and should have had some sort of public land line. I didn't see any, though.

I walked up to the receptionist. “Hi there,” I said.

The bored-looking resident assistant barely looked up from her homework. They were all required to put in rotations at the front desk in exchange for free room and board, but none of them seemed to enjoy the job all that much. I didn't really blame them, they either had to be the bad guy to a lot of people or get fired from their job. “Can I help you?”

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