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The Sheik & the Virgin Princess

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Zara shrieked as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt vulnerable, as if he could drop her at any second—which he could.

“Relax,” he said. “It’s your first time. I thought I’d give you the whole treatment—you know, carrying you to the bedroom and all that. When some other guy asks about it, I don’t want you to have any complaints.”

She knew he was both teasing and telling the truth. She didn’t want to think about being with any other guy, and thinking about what he was doing and how sweet his actions were brought tears to her eyes.

She blinked them away and focused on the strength in him. When they reached the bedroom—hers, she noticed—he lowered her to the floor.

“Don’t move,” he said, and lightly touched the tip of her nose.

He disappeared, but returned before she could panic. When he set a small box on her nightstand, she glanced to see what it was, then had to swallow.


On the one hand she appreciated his concern for her well-being, not to mention the whole birth control thing. On the other hand, were they really going to do it? Now? For real? After all this time was she going to get what all the fuss was about?

She cleared her throat. “I have a few questions,” she said.

He grinned. “I figured you might. Ask away.”

“You won’t mind?”

“No. I’ll answer whatever I can.” She couldn’t imagine him not knowing everything. She pointed to the box of protection. “Do they work?”

“When used correctly. And yes, I know how.”

“When do you put it on?”

“Right before I enter you.”

Entering. She’d considered that in the past. She knew what happened between a man and a woman and even knew where everything went. But she’d never been able to figure out how to do it without everyone feeling awkward. They made it look smooth in the movies, but then they were allowed extra takes to get it right.

The sun had set a few minutes before, and the room darkened to twilight. Soon she wouldn’t be able to see anything.

“Can we have a light on?” she asked.

“Absolutely.” He bent over and clicked on her bedside lamp. “Anything else?”

She had about four million questions, but this didn’t seem to be the time. Except for one.

She averted her gaze. “I, ah, was wondering about the whole, you know.” She made a vague gesture with her hands.

Rafe stepped close and touched a finger to her chin. “You’re going to have to be a little more specific.”

Heat burned on her cheeks. She couldn’t look at his face, instead staring at the center of his chest. “The, ah, end part. Where it’s supposed to feel really good.”


She ducked her head. “Yes.” The word was barely a whisper. “I haven’t.”


She shook her head.

She felt Rafe stiffen. “Does that change things?” she asked. “Is it too much responsibility? Because if you don’t want to…” Her voice trailed off. If he refused her, she was going to be heartbroken.

He cupped her face and kissed her softly. “Zara, I want to make love with you more than I’ve wanted to be with any other woman. And unless you have any more questions, I’m about to prove it to you.”

“I’d like that.”

Her words sounded brave, but she was suddenly immobilized by nerves. What did he expect from her? Should she make it more clear that she was clueless? It was humiliating to be her age and so incredibly inept.

Before she could speak, Rafe leaned close. He kissed the corner of her mouth, then her jaw. From there he trailed kisses down her neck. Shivers followed his light caresses, making her tremble slightly. She rested her hands on his shoulders, as much to touch him as for support.

They’d done this before. She caught her breath in anticipation as he unbuttoned her gauzy sundress. In a moment of boldness she’d never given in to before, she hadn’t bothered with a bra, so when he finished unfastening the buttons and pushed her dress down her arms, he bared her to the waist.

“Perfect,” he breathed as one hand closed over one breast and his mouth settled on the other.

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