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Heather's Gift (Men of August 3)

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Marly was quiet, though her brow tightened in a frown as she sat up on the lounge chair. Pulling a silk robe from the back of the chair, she slipped it on slowly.

“What happened?” she finally asked.

Sarah pushed her fingers through her hair and blew out roughly. “When she stomped into the house she was madder than hell and confronted all three of them.”

Marly grimaced. “Sam shouldn’t have done that,” she sighed. “It’s going to put everyone on edge.”

Everyone was already on edge.

“They want her, Marly.”

Marly sighed, propping her elbow on her knee and cupping her chin in the palm of her hand.

“You upset?” she asked softly.

Sarah sighed. “No, not upset…” She stopped, wondering what she did feel and unable to put a name to it. “I don’t know, maybe upset. It wasn’t so bad last week, but the closer Sam gets to her, the closer Brock does.”

“That’s an answer.” Marly’s soft laugh had Sarah grinning in agreement. “I know how you felt now, in a way. But I know how Heather feels, too. And Sam isn’t making it easy on her. He keeps her aroused with no satisfaction in sight.”

Marly’s gaze brightened. Sarah frowned. The other woman had that scheming look on her face. The one that worried the men through sleepless nights when they saw it.

“What are you up to?” Sarah asked her suspiciously.

“Well, I know she has toys.” Marly smiled conspiratorially. “But she was only able to bring the one,” she pointed out.

“She was?” Sarah lifted her brows, wondering how in the hell Marly came up with the information she often had.

“Well, remember, until her attack, and coming straight here from the hospital, she didn’t use the house much?” Marly crossed her legs, the epitome of the graceful lady. If one discounted the conversation she was carrying.

“Okay, I can see why just one toy.” Sarah nodded, then frowned again as she shook her head. She had to ask. “Which kind of toy?”

Marly grinned playfully. “I thought you would never ask. She only brought her Pocket Rocket. Small, light, easy to hide, but not really practical for the pressure she’s under now.”

Sarah nodded, though she felt like shaking her head in wonder. “How do you know this?”

“Oh, I heard her and Tara arguing when Tara caught her trying to order something on the company laptop. “ Marly shrugged, her lips quirking in a smile. “Now, we have all that stuff those men bought for us a few months ago, still sitting in all their boxes. I say we take her a few gifts. Since Sam is being so stingy with her right now.”

That wicked look owed little to Marly’s sweet nature. The look spelled trouble for whichever of the brothers she was out to get at the moment.

“I don’t know, Marly. Sam’s pretty bad off right now.” But like Marly, Sarah figured he needed to be shaken up just a little bit more. That darkness in Sam needed to be soothed—or freed—she wasn’t certain which.

“So, Heather can make him worse.” Marly lifted her brow mockingly. “With a little help from us, of course.”

Chapter Nineteen

Be waiting on him! Heather tossed the letter she had quickly scribbled to him on her pillow and then slipped quickly from the bedroom. Her anger had built through the day. Sam’s autocratic order and his brothers’ self assurance that she would willingly fall into his arms irked her pride more than she wanted to admit.

Sam seemed to think that because he wanted it, then things were going to automatically go his way. She didn’t think so. She admitted to herself though, that she had really wanted to be waiting on him there. That she would have gladly let him restrain her, let him do whatever his kinky little mind could come up with. The sharing thing was too much, though. The confusion building inside her where it was concerned was causing her more sleepless nights than she wanted to admit.

The few confrontations with his brothers had filled her with conflicting emotions. They were growing on her, and she hated it. Her dreams were being infected with the misty images of the three brothers, their lips and hands touching her, holding her, as thick cocks pushed into her untried body.

She shivered as she slipped into the dark silence of the night. They looked too much like Sam. They were too alike, and yet too different inside. They were caring of Marly and Sarah. Damned indulgent, in her opinion. At the rate things were going, she would be the one cooking in that damned house out of desperation. She was getting hungry for more than the meager fare she was being offered. A girl got tired of soup and sandwiches eventually.

She moved slowly through the pool area until she reached her assigned post for the night. The lounge chair had been placed beneath several thickly leafed trees; beside it laid a pair of night vision binoculars to use on the high hill behind the house. There had been evidence of movement on the far boundary the night before, though no one was certain if it was human or animal. To be on the safe side, Rick wanted someone in position to watch the area that offered access to the house.

Personally, Heather thought a few tons of dynamite and a couple of bulldozers could have done the job better. Take that baby down, end of problem. She nodded to herself as she sat down on the end of the lounger, sighing wearily as the bodyguard covering until she got there moved from her post along the other end.

“It’s quiet tonight.” Helena’s voice was soft, reflective. “I love nights like this.”

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