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The Man From her Wayward Past

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Was that a declaration of acceptance? Lucia wondered. Or had Donald Forster heard her hurrying past the open door to his suite earlier? Something in those kindly eyes said he had. But would Luke’s mother ever be reconciled when Lucia was patently not the kind of daughter-in-law she had in mind?

She was wrong for Luke, and wrong for his family, and the last thing Lucia wanted was to buy her happiness at the expense of anyone else’s.


Get a non-polo playing man

It seems fate has other ideas.

I might be forgiven for wondering if there is any other type of man. Even Luke’s father was mounted on one of the quieter ponies for a brief canter round the field. And Luke has always been The Only Man. Even at age fourteen, when I first wrote the list, I only added ‘non-polo-playing’ because Luke had less and less time for me. As polo took over his life Luke could only be bothered to shoot me threatening looks and gallop on. Threatening what? I used to wonder. Well, now I know. Oh, boy, do I know …

So that ‘non-polo-playing man’ will just have to find some other girl to woo, because I’m hooked on tail shots, tackle and flying hooves.

THE party had started without a hitch and was still going strong. He was so proud of Lucia. All she had needed was a chance to shine in her own right, away from the glare of her four domineering brothers. Even Lucia’s sister-in-law Maxie, who was a bona fide party-planner, had made a point of coming up to him to say what a fabulous party Lucia had arranged.

His glance swept the beach, and then the lasers flashing on a stage where a rock band was in full swing. All age-groups were represented beneath banners proclaiming, ‘THE SUNDOWNER’S BACK!’ and Margaret was in the centre of the dance floor, dancing with the local farmer.

Luke patted the ring box in his pocket, just to check. Tonight was the pinnacle of the lifetime he had spent loving Lucia. He turned to see her picking her way down the cliff path with her shoes in her hand.


She felt limp with fatigue when he took her in his arms. ‘You must be tired,’ he murmured, stroking her hair. ‘Must you stay much longer?’

‘Until the last person goes,’ she said, lifting her chin.

‘Has something upset you?’ He was surprised by the detached note in her voice.

‘Someone,’ she said, moving back.

‘Who?’ he demanded frowning.

‘Me,’ she said, already heading for the rock pool.

Kneeling down by the edge of the water, she seemed oblivious to the fact that her pretty party dress was soaking up the brine. Swirling her fingers across the smooth surface, she shattered the ribbon of moonlight

shimmering on the cool surface. ‘What have you told your father about us?’

‘That I love you and want us to be together when this project is finished.’

‘And your mother? What does she think about it?’

‘What does my mother have to do with it?’ He frowned.

‘Quite a lot, I would think,’ she said, still refusing to look at him.

Doubt coursed through him. ‘Don’t you want us to be together?’

‘Are you really serious about it, Luke?’

‘Of course. Why shouldn’t I be?’ His frown deepened.

‘I would have thought that was obvious.’

‘Well, not to me it isn’t. I only know that I love you and want to be with you.’

‘You must know what your mother thinks of my family.’

He swore softly under his breath. ‘I know my mother’s secretly thrilled to be here,’ he argued. ‘Danger is forbidden at the country club, which makes it irresistible. Whatever she might say for effect, just being here is a great feather in my mother’s cap—’

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