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Uncut Bundle

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“Did I wake you?” he asked.

“No. No, I—I—”

“Come here,” he said roughly. He held out his arms and everything changed, the way he was looking at her, the way he held himself, the heaviness that had suddenly settled in her heart.

She flew to him and he gathered her against him. The night was cool but his skin was warm. The scent of the oil she’d used in the bath clung to him, mixing with the aroma she loved best, the one that was all his own.

Leanna burrowed closer. Cam closed his eyes. God, she felt wonderful in his arms.

“Um.” She sighed and kissed his shoulder. “Aren’t you cold, standing out here?”

“I’m fine.” His voice grew husky. “Here. Let me warm you.”

Cam undid the sash of her robe and slid his hands beneath it. Her skin was silken; she stretched against him and made a sound like a purring cat.

“Nice,” she whispered.

Nice, indeed. He really had intended only to warm her but, damn it, his traitorous body was going to make a liar of him again. He shifted his weight, turned a little away from her in hopes she wouldn’t discover the truth.

She tilted her face to his. “Have you been awake long?”

He shrugged. “Just a little whil


“What woke you?”

Questions, he thought, questions that had no answers. Where was Asaad? Had he found their trail yet? And then there was the most important question of all.

How would he save his Salome?

She didn’t need to hear any of that. They’d found a peaceful oasis and there was no need to give it up just yet.

“I was thirsty,” he said. “I got up for a drink of water. What woke you?”

Color rose in her cheeks but her eyes stayed on his. “I missed you.”

He drew her to him and kissed her. Then he enfolded her in his arms again and rested his chin on the top of her head. Maybe he was wrong. This might be the time to tell her a little of what was on his mind.

“I figured, as long as I was awake, I’d go out and take a look around.”

“Outside? You should have taken me with you. Suppose something had happened?”

“Nothing did,” he said, loving the courage of her response. “We’re safe enough here.”

“For a while.”

Part of him wanted to lie, but lies wouldn’t protect her.

“Yes,” he said. “For a while. I wanted to look around while the rest of the place slept. I figured, the fewer eyes watching, the better.”

“And? What did you find?”

He hesitated. His dancer deserved the truth.

“This place is like that mystical kingdom. Shangri-La. I don’t think it’s been touched by the world in at least a hundred years.”

She leaned back in his arms. “Why do I get the feeling that isn’t good?”

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