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Uncut Bundle

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She awoke as the moon was setting.

Only the faintest light seeped into the room. Beyond the massive bed, the balcony door stood open to the soft whispers of the forest and the night.

Matthew had rolled onto his belly. He lay with one arm wound around her waist; his thigh was draped across hers. His breath was soft on her throat and his silky hair tickled her cheek.

Mia closed her eyes.

She thought of what had happened in his bed. Of how she’d given herself to him, again and again.

Oh God, she thought. God, what’s happened to me?

The wildness of her passion stunned her. She’d never been like this. Never.

She thought of the two lovers in her past. Two very nice, very normal men, one studying to be a teacher, the other a lawyer with an office and a nine-to-five existence.

She’d known all there was to know about them both. Where they lived. What books they read, what music they listened to. She knew so much about them that when she’d finally slept with them, nothing, not even the sex, had seemed new.

What she’d done with Matthew, the sex…

Her breath hitched. The truth was, she’d never even had an orgasm until tonight.

Everything she’d done with Matthew was new and exciting and dangerous, just as he was dangerous.

He was a beautiful animal, wild and incapable of being tamed.

She couldn’t picture him in captivity, trapped behind a desk in the nine-to-five world.

He’d spent most of his life as a soldier, he’d said, but she couldn’t even see him in that role, wearing a pressed uniform, marching in lock-step, taking orders and saluting.

This was who Matthew Knight was.

A man who’d abduct a woman. Strip search her. Force her to do his bidding. Except—except, he hadn’t forced her to come apart at his touch. He hadn’t forced her to do anything in bed.

She’d been a willing participant, exchanging caress for caress and kiss for kiss. It made her blush to think of the things she’d done, the way she’d pleaded for him to drive deep into her as he took her on a journey she’d never made before.

A knot of fear lodged in her belly.

She’d slept with a stranger. Done things she wished she could forget. And the only thing she really knew about him was that he’d been sent to bring her back to certain death at the hands of his employer…

Or do the job himself.

The chill in her belly turned to ice.

She checked Matthew again. He was still sleeping. He looked peaceful—and beautiful. His face, his body. He was a dark angel and yet, his touch could be tender, his mouth sweet.

One final caress, she thought, her heart pounding with the urgency of it, one last whisper of her lips against his…

No! She had her sanity back. Was she going to toss it away again?

Holding her breath, Mia moved out from under his arm. Straightened her leg until it slid from beneath his. She sat up, pushed back the light duvet Matthew had drawn up over them.

Carefully, quietly, she slipped from the bed.

Where were her clothes? In the bathroom. Heat rushed to her face as she remembered Matthew undressing her.

How he’d forced her to stand naked in front of him.

How terrible it had been…

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