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Uncut Bundle

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“Come on. I’ll build a fire in the fireplace, we’ll have some brandy—”

“And we’ll talk.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Because—because I have to tell you the truth, Matthew. About—about Douglas and me.”

“As soon as we get home.”

They put their clothes on. Then Matthew put his arm around Mia’s shoulders and drew her to his side as they walked along the moonlit path to the house.

But his smile was forced.

She had to tell him the truth, she’d said. About herself and Hamilton.

Why did that sound so ominous?


MIA STUMBLED as they climbed the steps to the deck. Matthew’s encircling arm kept her from falling.

“You okay?”

“Fine. My heel caught, that’s all.” She smiled up at him. “I guess I’m not used to such high heels.”

Matthew grinned. “Yeah,” he said, “aren’t they great?”

She laughed softly as he kissed her and she thought, for no reason whatsoever, This is the last time you’ll ever stand here, laughing over something silly with the man you love…

“Here. Let me undo those straps and—”

“I’ll do it. You go ahead and start the fire.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” She touched her hand to his face, feeling the roughness of the end-of-day stubble on his jaw, remembering how she loved the feel of it against her breasts. “Matthew…”


I love you. Suddenly she was afraid to say the words.

“What is it, sweetheart?”

“Nothing,” she said brightly. “Just light the fire and pour us some brandy. I’ll only be a minute.”

He kissed her, a long, sweet kiss that tasted of the night and of him. Then he unlocked the sliding doors and went inside.

She knew what he was doing now. Punching in the code that would deactivate the security system, shrugging off his jacket, walking to the fireplace…

“Hello, Mia.”

A hand clapped over her mouth, catching the scream in her throat. Douglas. It was Douglas. He was here, he was here, he was here.

“No noise,” he said, his lips against her ear. His hand clamped down harder; her head tilted back under the pressure of it. “Not a sound, do you understand?”

She nodded. Douglas lifted his hand. Slowly Mia turned to face him.

“How are you, dear girl?” His lips curved in a cold smile. “No need to answer. I can see how you’ve been. You have the look of the happy whore all over you.”

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