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Uncut Bundle

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“What I think,” he said lazily, “is that you talk too much.”

He pushed her back against the wall, cupped her face in one hand and kissed her. She gasped in surprise and when she did, he angled his mouth over hers and took the kiss deeper. She made a little sound and he reminded himself it was all an act.

All an act, he thought…and pressed his thumb against a pressure point between her collarbone and her throat.

She went limp in his arms. The weapon she’d threatened him with fell into his waiting hand. Not a carving knife. Not a steak knife. Not a knife at all, Cam thought wryly. It was a nail file, maybe three inches long.

He raised his eyes to her face. The color was slowly coming back, washing her skin with the palest pink.

“What—what did you do to me?” she whispered.

He smiled tightly. “A little trick, that’s all.”


“Oh, right. You’re not into tricks, baby. You’re into the truth… Like that routine in bed. The moaning. The sighing. All real, right?”

Crazy as it was, he half-waited for her to say yes. Yes, it had been real, not an act…

“I did what I had to do.”

“Remember those words,” he said, and that was when Leanna knew he was going to escape without her.

She couldn’t let that happen. There had to be a way to make him agree to take her along, but what was it?

“Okay,” he said softly. “Here’s how we’re going to do this. You stay here. I’ll go back into the bedroom and—”


“What do you mean, no?”

“We stay together.”

“This is the only way.”

Damned right, it was. His gun was in the bedroom, and his boots, and so was a window that opened onto a path that led to the courtyard.

“Why should I wait here if you’re going into the other room?”

“I have a gun in the other room. I have to get it.”

“You’re planning on going out one of the bedroom windows.”

“Don’t be crazy.”

Leanna jerked her chin toward a large window near the tub. “What about that?”

“What about it?”

r />

“Does it open?”

“Of course it opens.” Well, it probably did. He’d tried the windows in the bedroom, not this one, but what did it matter? He wouldn’t be using it.

“Show me.”

“I told you, my gun—”

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