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Outcasts (Badlands 3)

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I nodded, leaning back against his chest, my front facing the opposite direction. The hot water felt so good.

“Was gonna run you a bath, but I can do that another day.”

“That’s sweet, Grimm,” I smiled, pressin my cheeks back on his erection, making him laugh again.

“Must not be crashing too hard,” he mused, gently parting my legs.

“Is that sausage?”

“You sound like me; haven’t even opened your eyes yet and searching for food,” Cali laughed.

That did the trick.

I squinted against sunlight, burrowing deeper into the amazing silk pillow. My body felt so languid. I smiled, still feelin the sensation of Grimm between my legs.

He’d been so sweet, so unlike his norm, washin me up after and tuckin me in. Ugh, I loved that man.

“I know that smile,” Cali sighed wistfully.

Opening my eyes fully, I looked down the length of the bed to where she sat Indian style on the ottoman, bump facing me.

Her white-blonde hair was longer, pulled to the side in a fish-tail braid. She had on a halter dress that matched her eyes, lookin all soft and innocent––a damn lie.

“Hurry and get moving, we have breakfast to eat and people to torture.”


“I crashed last night after I got crashed.” She laughed at her own joke, making me do the same. “Anyway, Rome , Cobe, and G, spent a long time in the playroom. Now, if you’re a good girl and eat your cheerios, we get to play too.”

I sat up, belatedly forgetting I was naked. I grabbed the sheet as Cali scoffed.

“Like I haven’t seen those bean bags before.”

“If mine are bean bags, yours are beach rings,” I retorted, climbing out of bed.

“You got clothes in the closet,” she told me, pointing to the other closed door.

I went to the door she’d pointed at and pulled it open, seeing Grimm had ensured I would have more than what I could possibly need. Everythin was nice and organized, his stuff on one side, mine on the other.

“Do you know what’s goin on?” I asked her.

“Vitus now has six days. Rome got whatever he wanted from Noah and Vance, and Grimm may or may not have killed the other guy, not that I blame him. And you need to eat, so we can play. I haven’t gotten to play in months, and now Noah is just in that room helpless and scared out of his mind.”

I put on a pair of gray cargo pants, skippin underwear, pulled a comfy bra over my head, and grabbed a skin-tight black T and some socks. I put deodorant on, but that was it.

I could smell the scent of Grimm on my skin. I wasn’t takin that away.

After a quick brush of my teeth and hair, I was ready for the day.

Cali said ‘play’. I didn’t want breakfast; I wanted blood.

“I want to rush in there and fuck them up on sight as badly as you do, but Rome taught me to go in slow, prolong the pain and make them feel it. They deserve every moment of their suffering. Plus, I am growing the future heir of the Badlands. I got to feed this kid a granola bar and some almond milk.”

Heir? It hadn’t really occurred to me the life she and Rome’s kids were going to have. The life me Grimm’s kid would have.

“You ain’t worried?”

“Um, no.” She side eyed me, understandin exactly what I was tryna say.

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