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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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I didn’t want to wake her over this.

She’d question why I wasn’t dragging a bunch of my Venom with me, and I would give her the same answer I always did—overall, bigger was of course better. But when you were trying to be discreet and were ten times more lethal in a smaller group, you stuck to a smaller group.

Waiting for me at the truck was everyone who’d been with me earlier with the exception of Rin. We left quickly. With there being a sole entry point into Copperfield, we made the drive across city limits in record-breaking timing.

“You’ve got be fucking kidding me,” I said, staring at the Baphomet sigil on the two vehicles already parked right outside.

“What are they doing here?” Trix asked.

“More than likely trying to tag it,” Darrian answered her, not bothering to hide the disdain she felt for the Savages.

“You think Romero sent his kids to tag this place in the middle of the night?” Ace questioned.

Knowing this was Adelaide and the others she had been with, he made an excellent point. Come to think of it I never questioned what the fuck that girl had been running from, but I didn’t give a shit why they were here or what they were doing.

The closest thing I had to a little brother, and one of my Venom, was supposedly in this slum somewhere. Demon and I needed to have a chit-chat about when it was acceptable to try and protect someone and when it wasn’t. That’s the only reason he would have gone after this bitch.

I lifted my skull mask over my mouth and nose, making sure it was tight, passing a bandanna version to Ace before I hopped out of the heavy duty and walked right up to the large SUV, placing my hand on the hood.

“It’s cold,” I stated, now going over to Luce’s heavily armored Jeep, “So is this one. They’ve been here a minute.”

I briefly glanced at the blood on the front of the Jeep’s grill guard, not waiting for any of them; I walked off, crossing the town’s threshold. The fog was thickening, not a good sign.

“Pick the pace up,” I called back to them.

The four of them caught up within minutes. Ace wasn’t able to navigate the terrain as easily as we were, but he kept up well enough.

I smirked when he cursed and stumbled over a doll I had stepped over just a second before.

“You guys have something against flashlights?” he bitched after he’d nearly tripped for the fifth time.

“We can see just fine,” Tobias answered bluntly.

I kept quiet; this was a good exercise for him now that he was in. He still had a bit more to do before I let him have his brand, but thus far he’d been doing okay.

“Where do you think they’d go?” Maliki asked as we came to an intersection.

Before anyone could answer him, a resounding bang came from our right, immediately another followed in its wake. Shattering glass accompanied the second.

“This way,” I replied, changing course.

“The school,” Maliki noted, keeping pace with me.

I nodded once, searching the front of the building for any sign of a broken window. Due to the fog, I didn’t immediately see it, but my hearing as good as it was I picked up on some type of struggle happening on the upper level.

We reached the depleted school just as another piece of glass shattered, this time a lot more obvious where it’d come from. A body flew through a window almost directly aligned with our current path, rapidly falling to the ground below.

It hit with a loud, bone shattering crack, blood immediately pooling beneath whoever the Stag was.

“Oh, shit,” Ace breathed, staring at the contorted body with a giant hole in its torso.

“Let’s keep moving,” I said, walking around the broken corpse.

The doors on the school groaned loudly as we pushed through them.

“We got people everywhere,” Maliki noted, doing his sense bullshit.

“Trix.” And that’s all I needed to say.

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