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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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I sat on the filthy floor—not by choice—catching my breath.

My anger and exhaustion were momentarily forgotten when the man who threw me like a ragdoll yelled in pain. Not a second later he was on the floor with his face being hacked apart.

There was a squelching sound as the meat cleaver’s blade cut into cartilage and tissue—a soft clinking noise when it hit bone. I watched, wishing I could see the blood flowing from his face to the floor.

With my flashlight having rolled off to the side of the hall, the only light being emanated was a dull glow.

When the Venom finally stopped, I tried to stand, just to be pushed right back down on my ass by the man behind me.

“Let me up,” I demanded, glaring at whoever stood above me.

He simply laughed, so I supposed that meant no.

Hearing the other man’s slow and steady approach, I looked anywhere but at him until I didn’t have a choice. He stopped right in front of me, ignoring Annie altogether.

“Hello again, princess,”

He crouched down in front of me and lifted his bloodied skull mask.

The first thing I saw was his eyes.

No, the only thing I could see was his eyes.

In the near dark hall, they were merely two endless pits of Tartarus.

“Call your guard dog off,” I snapped when I tried and failed to get up again.

“You first,” he retorted.

“Stay where you are Annie,” I called to her, trying to see around his massive fucking body, failing at that too.

“Do you know all the things I could do to you right now?” he jested.

“Do you know all the shit I could do to you right now?”

“If they involve that filthy mouth, I would love to find out.”

“I would never touch you in that way you pig.”

Bloodied hands enclosed around my forearms and brought me to my feet, none too gently.

“You sure about that?”

“Let go of me,” I coolly demanded. Amazingly my voice was steady and normal in spite of the turbulence twisting my gut and bouncing around in my chest.

“Let you go? Is that how you thank me for protecting you?”

He couldn’t be serious. I stared up at him, still unable to fully see his face, feeling his warm breath on my cheeks.

There was a man at my back and Annie was off to my side, and then there was him. He was this damn force field in front of me that I could only feel.

This was twice now he’d placed his filthy hands on me, burning everywhere he touched.

The wetness of his shirt transferred onto mine. Bloody palms stained my skin. Behind us what sounded like a herd of elephants began running up the stairs.

When they reached the top, beams from different flashlights bounced off the walls.

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