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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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My chest was beginning to tingle, and I knew something wasn’t right.

Holding careful hands out right in front of me, I repeatededly blinked, trying to see better.

“Addy,” was whispered behind me.

I turned to see if it was Annie or Nyx, but yet again, there was no one there.

Scalp prickling with the unease of being watched, I sped up. I was nearly jogging when my left foot caught in a groove, sending me to the ground.

My palms hit a chunk of uneven pavement with an echoing smack, skin stinging from the impact. “Shit,” I breathed.

Before I could stand back up a pair of hands was grabbing me from behind and hauling me backward.

My boots skid as I tried to drag my feet to slow them down. They remained undeterred.


A hand slammed over my mouth, effectively silencing me. A hand I quickly realized was covered in dried blood. Now knowing who had me only made my need to break free that much stronger.

He dragged me all the way in-between two rundown buildings the moon was struggling to illuminate. With my back to his front, he splayed a hand across my stomach and pulled me tighter against him, keeping the other over my mouth.

“Shhh,” he breathed into my ear, warm breath causing an outbreak of goose-bumps on my neck. “She’s close.”

“Who?” I tried to ask, going still in his arms.

He adjusted me so that I fit better against him. His body was a brick wall. I could feel abs pressing into my back. My ass was fixed firmly over his cock, which seemed to be unnervingly large even softly tucked away in his jeans.

“Nuh, Uhn,” I muffled beneath his palm.

I twisted my torso, forcibly trying to turn myself in his arms. He allowed it until I was facing him head-on.

Moving as fast he had before, he gripped the back of my neck with the hand that had been over my mouth and pressed me into him with the other on the small of my back.

This position was worse than the other one. Now not only was I looking up at his masked face for the third time in one night, but my apex was snuggly against where my ass had been, and my chest was smashed against his.

With his grip on my neck, I had no choice but to stare into the dark holes hiding his eyes. I felt his gaze staring right back.

Men usually wanted what was between my legs for bragging purposes or some diluted belief it would help them get closer to my father. I could occasionally be a tease, but I never let them so much as touch me.

The lustful looks on their faces from afar were plenty satisfying. So it was safe to say I had never been in anyone’s arms like this before.

Zane had touched me more times than any of those men could fantasize about in less than twenty-four hours.

“You most definitely are not what I expected,” he remarked with zero emotion.

“What is that supposed—?”

“Wait here,” he said suddenly, turning my body away from him and the warmth he emanated. He stepped out into the fog, vanishing as it swallowed him up.

I remained where I was, trying to figure out what he was doing. Something hard hit the ground; a second later.

It slid into the alleyway and stopped at the toes of my boots.

Kneeling, I studied the cracked deer skull, hearing what sounded like flesh being torn.

There was a gasp, a thud, and then Zane was back.

He was covered in more blood than before, his dark shirt nearly saturated, hands stained even more crimson.

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