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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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“Hey, she’s right. You need rest too. I’ll keep guard. K? I can always catch a nap when we hit the road again,” Ace volunteered. He was standing on the opposite side of the doors, watching everything transpire without comment until now.

Annie looked at me for what felt like hours, but was mere minutes, her face softening with a small smile.

“I appreciate that. Thank you. I will rest, for a little.”

I shot Ace a grateful look and pulled open the station door nearest me.

I leaned against one of the old freezers, a plaid fleece throw beneath me. Nyx sat right beside me, another under her. A few feet to our right Annie and Cam were fast asleep, sharing a gear bag as a pillow.

The station wasn’t dirty per se, just in need of a thoroughly good bleaching because who knows what types of things had been inside of it other than us. It was completely ransacked.

“Braxton is cheating on me.”

My chewing slowed, and the taste of tart lingered on my tongue. She’d said his actual name, which meant she was ready to talk about it.

I wished there was a manual or something on how to handle these types of situations so you couldn’t epically fuck up by saying the wrong thing.

“It happened all those random times he vanished from the compound and then came back with a sorry ass excuse for where he’d been,” she continued.

“Wait, so this chick isn’t one of us? Or she is and doesn’t live on the compound?”

“I’m pretty sure she’s some random waif he met on an actual supply run. I’ve known for a while now. I guess I was in denial at first, ya know, wondering who the hell would cheat on me because I’m fucking amazing. Or…I thought I was.”

I swallowed my last bit of food, envisioning Butcher’s demise in a pool of blood. “Firstly, don’t ever say anything like that again. You are amazing, Nyx. More than amazing, you are incredible, and I’m not just saying that because you’re my friend. He’s still a boy behaving like a man—a shitty man, and honestly, it’s his loss.”

She stretched her arms out, and then readjusted so she was lying down.

“The last time we were together, at the warehouse, he thought it was me letting him back in. I just wanted one last hate-fuck.”

“Oh, okay. I didn’t know that was a thing. It sounded as if it went well though.”

“I love you, Addy.” She smothered a laugh behind her hand.

The sound drew the attention of Maliki and Zane from across the room. And as if we couldn’t help ourselves, Zane eyes met mine and held.

“Are you sure you didn’t know it was a thing? You and snake man seem to have some of your own going on.”

I flattened my lips and diverted my gaze, completely unimpressed by that comparison. “I take it back. That sounds absolutely terrible.”

“If you say so,” she stated around a yawn. Her eyes zeroed on empty space as she got lost in whatever she was thinking.

I couldn’t relate to how she was feeling, but I knew it couldn’t be good. Braxton was her first everything. I also knew she’d never tell me, and she would wear the same face she always did and keep it all inside. That’s who she was. She was just like her father.

But I had to ask anyway.

“Are you okay, pretty girl?”

“I will be,” she quietly replied before closing her eyes.

I watched her for a few minutes with a frown. Right, when I thought she’d fallen asleep, she spoke again.

“Do you think they’re hurt?”

Knowing who she was talking about I replied before thinking it over. “No.”

The Stags had taken Savage and Venom, but I didn’t think their intention or end goal was to hurt them. They had to want something.

What that could be was anyone’s’ guess. There were wiser and easier ways of going about it than ensuring their deaths.

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