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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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Nyx adjusted so that there was enough room to lay her body down.

I stopped paying attention to what Zane was doing; the sputtering sound coming from Annie’s mouth had me moving on auto-pilot. I took off my seatbelt and got down on the floor beside her.

As I took in her face—my stomach dropped, and my heartbeat turned sluggish.

“Annie,” I said her name, but I wasn’t sure if it was aloud. “No, no.” I reached for her, stopping mid-way and letting my hand fall limply to my side.

A long arrow stuck clean through her jaw—penetrating one cheek with the point sticking out the other.

There was so much blood.

It came from her nose, spewing over her lips as she coughed and choked on it.

Her eyes, they met mine as she struggled to breathe around the very thing that flowed through her veins.

“Fuck I don’t know…I can’t…we can’t fix this, Addy,” Cam stressed, his own hands hovering over her injury with uncertainty.

It took every bit of mental strength I had to slam down the denial so desperate to rise up and object.

He was right.

If we pulled this arrow out, we’d be ripping open a bigger hole in her face, doing unknown further damage, and we didn’t have anywhere to medically treat her. The first aid kit was a fucking joke when it came to something like this.

I leaned in and kissed her temple. “I’m sorry. So sorry,” I whispered, fighting to control my emotions. I had never felt as helpless as I did in that very moment in my entire life.

“Go get in the front seat, Addy. I’ll take care of it,” Nyx promised. Her voice was amazingly neutral.

“What? Nyx, no I’m staying with her.”

She didn’t argue with me. Instead, she pulled her scythe blade from her jacket and positioned it at Annie’s carotid artery.

I grabbed Annie’s hand and squeezed it, wanting her to know she wasn’t dying alone. She squeezed back as if to say she knew before closing her eyes.

Nyx bent down placed a kiss on her forehead, and then drew the blade across, severing the artery with no resistance, gently splitting open her flesh before doing the other side.

It took seven seconds for her to become completely still.

I think we both counted them down in our heads, watching someone we loved die, slowly fade away into nothing.

The overwhelming smell of iron filled the car.

Blood, the sight and smell of it had never once bothered me until now. Annie’s saturated the gray carpet. A few drops had made their way onto Nyx’ knuckles.

Ace and Trix had pulled two of the fleece throws from the back and laid them over her.

One covered her face, the other her body. Every time Zane hit a slight bump her dead weight jostled.

There had been no more arrows, and there wasn’t any pursuit. The silence was filled with the consistent squeaking that now came from the front right fender.

I wasn’t sure how long he drove before pulling over and stopping.

“We need to ditch the truck,” he announced, cutting the engine. “It stands out well enough without squeaking and letting anyone within a two-mile radius know we’re coming, and more importantly we’re being tailed.”

“Isn’t walking a sure way to expose ourselves? The road is all open,” Nyx replied.

She was still doing a superb job keeping her shit together, we both were.


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