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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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They couldn’t have been dead too long either, the smell wasn’t to the unbearable point yet, whatever that may have been.

I wasn’t one of the people who would ponder why he did it. Not everyone was strong enough to survive in this world, and sometimes those weak motherfuckers dragged everyone around them down with too.

I shut the door, and then walked over to the dining area where Maliki was sitting with a glass of water in his hand. I took the chair opposite his.

Ace was on one of the couches allowing Trix to brush out his shoulder-length hair.

Cam had the map spread out in front of him on the floor.

I turned my attention back to Maliki. “How are you holding up? We haven’t gotten to talk since this whole shit show started up.”

He swallowed an ice-cube and shook his head. “The bitch I thought I’d always be with is our nark. Feeling pretty shitty and stupid about that, Z. She lured our baby bro into a trap. She used me.”

I wouldn’t refute his claim. I already had Gwen picked out as our nark, one of them at least. It made sense.

“All those fights she picked so she could find an excuse to bitch and disappear….she’s dead, Z.”

I wasn’t going to refute that either. Disloyalty wasn’t tolerated. The Bitch was going to die. More so she needed to. That wasn’t going to make him feel better right this moment though.

I wasn’t a relationship guru, but I had basic common sense and life experience. Betrayal burned, some deeper than others but regardless of who did it or why the shit could make a decent man flip the script and turn into a monster.

“Then you take all the time you need to make things right with yourself, and then you’ll find another—someone a fuck-of-a-lot better.”

He nodded and took another sip of his water, glancing towards the staircase for the fifth time since I sat down.

“Little Miss Death?” I questioned.

“Who?” He glanced back at me. “You mean, Nyx?”


I smirked.

“Don’t give me that confident ass look, Z. She’s cool, that’s all.”

“Malik, cool is what you said the first time you saw a pussy.”

Trix snickered from the living area, letting us know she was eavesdropping.

“She’s a down ass chick, she’s sexy as hell too, but she’s one of them. And she has some deep issues.”

I leaned forward and clasped my hands together, resting my elbows on the table. “You know what that all sounds like to me, Malik? Bullshit excuses. You got issues too. And one of them? My girl is one of them.”

He shook his head, laughing quietly. “Just leave it, man. We both got too much shit to deal with.”

He was holding back.

Maliki knew me like the back of his hand, and vice versa. I’d drop it…for now.

What about you? What’s the deal with you and Adelaide?”

I shrugged. “It’s complicated.”

“Try me.”

I was still thinking of what just happened between us a few moments ago and what I saw. I knew I could talk to Maliki about anything though. He was more an extension of me than anything else, and that’s how Addy felt—like she was part of me already.

Even then I could feel her grief as if it was my own and I couldn’t make sense of why it was. I didn’t feel shit like this. “Can’t wrap my fucking head around it. I feel like something inside me was asleep, and whatever it is, it got woken up the other night.

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