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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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Ignoring her, I flung the door open and stepped onto the porch just as the Stag with the bow release an arrow right into the old man’s skull. The trucks high-beams made his blood look like glimmering crystals as it ran down his face.

They noticed me a second too late. I jumped off the porch skipping all three steps and walked to the end of the walkway.

“Hey, assholes!”

Four deer heads turned in my direction; behind me, I could hear the other filing out of the house.

I wanted to deal with the fucker with the bow more personally, so I lowered the barrel a bit, double checked my safety was off and pulled the trigger.

The sound of the shot seemed to reverberate through the neighborhood. My shell founds its home, hitting the Stag in the side. It made a sound of distress and only then did I realize this was a woman. She stumbled back, tripping over the body of the old man now flat on the ground.

My next shot was to the Stag rapidly approaching me with a long bat in his hand, there were nails smashed into the wood of it.

I let him think I was out of ammo before slightly raising the barrel.

I aimed for his head, putting a nice hole in his chest instead, shell shredding the flesh as it entered him.

My ears were ringing, but I scarcely noticed. The two remaining Stags looked as if they were going to run. Maliki was on one and Nyx the other before they had the option.

Ace darted around them to the truck and secured the keys, cutting the engine but leaving on the headlights.

I could feel Zane and Cam behind me, neither saying a word. Stepping over the Stag with the chest wound, I made my way to the woman now writhing on the ground in agony.

From my right there was a sputtering noise as Nyx removed the mask of the man she was dealing with and used it against him, slamming an antler right into his gut, twisting, so it went as far in as possible.

Using the barrel of my gun, I lifted the mask from the woman I was standing over.

The first thing that was brought to my attention was the inverted cross on her face. I experienced than the kind of rage that makes one remarkably calm.

“Hi, princess,” she coughed, grinning up at me.

I was over people using that as a fucking insult. It didn’t offend me. I owned that title proudly. A princess becomes a queen and bitches like this one would soon learn to respect that. She wouldn’t be smiling for much longer.

I flipped the gun around and slammed it into her face, twice. Her head dropping down as I knocked her out cold the first time—a pop from purposely breaking her nose the second.

“That your nark?” Zane’s voice came from my right.

I’d heard him walk him up—or more or less sensed.

“Yes,” I replied tersely.

“Thats, Jesse,” Cam quietly stated.

I looked over my shoulder at him. “Bring her in the house.”

Not bothering with an explanation, I tucked Annie’s gun beneath my arm and grabbed the bow from the ground. After checking the truck for arrows, I took some of those too.

I knew more would be coming, which meant I didn’t have much time.

Chapter Eighteen


She hadn’t said too many words to me since telling me she’d shoot if need be.

Not gonna lie, that coupled with her sexy smile had sent a heady dose of blood rushing to my dick. Really that was to be expected since my dick was constantly on hard since I’d put a gun to her head.

Fucking had been a thing to me like every other man, but if I could climb inside Addie’s pussy and live there, I would.

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