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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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Yet, I still wanted the girl.

Cam had been right, it was her. And by some fucking miracle, I wouldn’t ruin the woman that was perfect for me or.

Chapter Nineteen


I woke in an unfamiliar setting.

Lifting my head from Zane’s rock hard shoulder, I rubbed my ear, pulling my hand away when I remembered there was dried blood on it.

The trucks AC blew quietly, adding some relief to the mugginess outside. My stomach grumbled at me angrily for only giving it liquor and tarts the past forty-eight hours.

“Sleeping Beauty’s hungry,” Nyx intoned from the backseat.

“Hey, girl,” Trix flashed me a cheery smile.

I forced one in return, letting it slip when I realized how fake it was.

There was a pounding at the base of my skull. I wasn’t sure if it was a simple headache or my brain about to explode trying to keep up with everything happening around me.

I swore it felt as if I’d been living through this for half my life. Bella was gone, Luce was a deceitful asshole, Nyx was fucked up, and Annie was dead.

Beside me was another change I was learning to accept. He was also one small thing helping me keep my shit together, somewhat. Ironic how that worked out, my should be rival was the only constant in my world right now, and I wanted to cling to that as if he was a lifesaver and I was drowning.

He hadn’t changed any since the day in the woods. I think Nyx was right, that was disturbingly concerning.

I’d ponder that later.

Right now I was far more interested in the town he was driving through. It wasn’t abandoned. In fact, it looked like something right out of an old western.

There was a small group of people pushing wheelbarrows down the sidewalk all loaded with what looked like potatoes and rice, stopped to stare at our passing vehicle.

“They don’t look very western-ish,” I mused aloud.

“No, they look like judgmental dicks,” Ace replied through the trucks center window.

“Where are we? And where are we going?”

“The last town we’ll see until we hit Windmill,” Zane replied. “We’re running on air at this point, so we need to find another car. And you need substance.”

He added the last part a few minutes after saying we needed to find another vehicle.

“You think any place around here has a phone?” Maliki asked.

“Maybe, Kit’s Diner, Inn, and Brothel?” Cam drawled sarcastically.

I’d spotted the same odd-shaped building as him. It looked as if it had been a decent motel at one point, now, not so much.

The structure was tall, chunky, and depleted. There was a vacancy sign flickering in and out right beneath a large piece of plywood that had all three names written on it.

Zane, of course, pulled into the side parking lot and looped around to park beneath the main lobby’s awning, and cut the key.

“You can’t be serious?” I looked around Trix, trying to see inside.

“It had everything we need right now, maybe even a car.”

“They spelled diner wrong,” Nyx pointed out.

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