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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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I didn’t like the idea of leaving her alone—especially in a shit hole like this one.

Reminding myself Addy could handle herself didn’t make me feel any better. That phone call I made, Luce didn’t sound right, and even through the distortion, I sensed a feeling of distress.

I wasn’t going to mention that to Addy. She had enough shit circulating in that pretty head of hers without adding that.

This would be over soon.

The kids would be back.

She and I would be home.

Life would go on as always, only I had her now, so I guess it wouldn’t because some major adjustments would need to be made.

I’d worry about that bridge when I reached it.

I took the stairs quickly, doing my damnedest to ignore how slick my dick still was from my Addie’s pussy. That made me think of being inside her, and I’d done that nonstop since the first time she let me in.

I didn’t want her thinking all I cared about was her pussy. It wasn’t. Being with her was addictive—indescribable simply based off the surrealism I was touching her, to begin with.

And listen to me—already sounding as if I were going to hand over my balls.

Entering the lobby, I immediately spotted Ace and Cam now engaged in a game of pool. Nyx and Maliki were sat at one of the tables in the ‘diner.’

They weren’t talking or so much as looking at one another. They were sitting together watching the room. Those two had some weird vibe shit going on.

I gave Maliki a chin nod, going straight for the front desk. Alfred looked up from whatever he was doing and seemed torn between pissing himself and telling me to go fuck myself.

“So,” I placed my palms flat on the faded marble. “About that car?”

“Yes,” he cleared his throat and reached for a fat yellow keychain wedged beneath some papers.

“Has that been here the entire time?”

My voice was calm, showing no sign that I wanted to reach across the desk and rip this old motherfuckers’ head off.

He froze a fraction of a second, but it was just long enough to let me know that the keys had been here this whole time.

“You said you’d have pay…here you go.” He shoved the key across the desk. “This was the largest thing I could find. It’s ready to go. Don’t know where you’re going or how far it’ll get ya though.”

I took the key without another word to him and then went on my way.

I’d already discussed compensation; I wouldn’t have the same conversation twice.

On my way back through the lobby I just the yellow ring to Maliki.

“Get loaded up, and pull whatever this is to the front. We’re leaving.”

Outside, the night air was still muggy, but now there was a slight coolness to it too.

I returned to the floor our temporary room was on, damn near passing the one I was looking for because of the cracked door.

It should have been shut.

I listened closely.

There was the sound of a running sink, and just then, there was the sound of a man in pain.

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