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Degenerates (Badlands 5)

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I felt Zane’s presence a second later, standing beside me but not revealing our relationship.

Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion, and all at once.

I didn’t notice the hook on the back of the large truck until Butcher attached the end of Cam’s rope to it.

“See if you can keep up, bro.”

My pulse spiked, understanding too late what he was saying.

“Cam!” I tried to run towards him, breaking free from Luce just to be grabbed by Zane.

“You can’t,” I heard from the other side of me where Maliki had moved to restrain Nyx.

Luce helped him, shielding Bella’s view with his body.

The Stags piled into the vehicles, Gwen giving Maliki one sad, pathetic fucking smile before going with Butcher.

I internally screamed until my voice gave out, begging my satanic god not to let him be hurt. He didn’t deserve this.

But that wasn’t how things worked. Fair or unfair, life could hit hard.

I watched Cam expel one large breath before his body was dragged forward.

We followed the screeching tires through the streets, moving as quickly as we could on foot.

Trix was going for the van with Bella, each equipped with a gun.

I kept seeing the acceptance on his face as his brother openly betrayed him, tied him up like a piece of bait and let them drag him.

It didn’t take long for the blood to appear on the pavement, the scraps of denim from his jeans—one of his shoes.

I didn’t want to keep moving, but I knew we had to. For once I was terrified. I didn’t want to lose him too.

Zane and Maliki proved to be pillars, lending as much support as they could, even to Luce who looked distraught for once.

I knew he blamed himself, I knew Nyx would blame herself, and honestly, it was no one’s fault but Butcher’s and that goddamn blonde.

We found him when we turned the next corner. Only it looked nothing like our Cameron. Someone must have felt taken pity because the rope had been severed cleanly through.

His face was bloodied. Large portions of skin had been completely torn away.

Both his arms were twisted at unnatural angles. His clothes were merely tattered rags clinging to his lean frame.

My heart cracked open inside my chest.

I didn’t realize I was crying until Zane pulled me into him, not bothering with trying to soothe me with words.

Nyx got down on one side of him, Luce the other.

“He’s alive,” she implored. “He’s alive, and he needs to stay that way,” she looked up at me with tears shining in her honey eyes.

He was alive, but I couldn’t fathom the pain he had to be in. His eyes were shut. His breathing seemed shallow, but even. I wanted him to live as much as she did, but I couldn’t get my hopes up.

“We take him to our place,” Zane suddenly said. “We do the best we can for him until then and get him there. We can have our guys start treating him.”

Maliki was nodding in agreement.

As if the universe had given a small mercy, the van came spinning around the corner, rubber burning as Trix hit the brakes.

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