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Miscreants: Next Generation (Badlands 8)

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I ran a soft touch down her arms to calm myself and reassure her. Taking hold of her shoulders, I positioned her slightly behind me. Jin moved so he could cover her back in case things went sideways.

“Knox? That’s your name?” I asked the man.

“I’m not telling you shit,” he spat.

“It’s Knox. The guy dressed like he just came from a western is Jacob. The feminine one is Tyson. That old witch is Tammy—also mother dearest,” Amo more than happily clarified.

I grinned down at Knox, seeing his expression go through three different stages.

“You like to put on shows, right? I’ve heard your family is renowned for being entertaining. You should feel honored, because now you’re going to put one on for me and my friends.”

I grabbed the shotgun from the corner and passed it off to Amo.

“You four, get up and stand against that wall.”

I thought they’d at least protest, but they all rose and moved to the back side of the room like obedient hostages. Maybe they did have an ounce of common sense. I rounded the table and grabbed hold of the chair the blonde was sitting in so it wasn’t in the way.

I dragged it backward, unintentionally causing her to fall out. She tumbled sideways and hit the floor with a thud. Other than a groan, she barely reacted. I wasn’t sure what they’d done to her, and I didn’t care. Seeing Lilith seconds away from coming to her aide, I stepped in front of the girl’s body and forced her to look at me instead.

“Don’t even think about it.”

She barely managed to hide her scowl, sinking her teeth into her lower lip. I was beginning to think she was purposely trying to provoke me.

Still needing more space, I grabbed one end of the dining table and lifted, flipping it onto its side. Their dinner hit the dull wood floor alongside broken dishes and silverware. I’d pieced together the gist of what was going on and their intentions for Lilith—more than likely Takara, too.

“You and you.” I pointed to Knox and his mom. “Stand face to face in the center of the room.”

He came forward with all the wariness of a cornered rabbit, holding his mother’s hand.

“What do you want from us?”

“We want a show,” Amo answered.

“A face-off,” I reiterated.

Knox looked at me, his jaw clenched. He must have felt exceptionally powerless right now.

I couldn’t relate.

He turned towards his mother, still holding her trembling hand. That was cute. But it was much too soon to be so afraid; we hadn’t even gotten started yet.

“Everything you did to her, you’re going to do to your mother.”

I went over to Lilith was and settled against the wall.

“W-what did you just say?” Jacob stammered, straightening to his full height.

“Was it not clear enough? Everything he did to my girl, he’s now going to do to your mother.”

“I’m not going to hurt Ma,” Knox objected.


Hearing that, he immediately lost his bored expression and perked right up.


He sidled by our showrunners and approached Jacob and Tyson. He lifted the shotgun and checked the ammo, a wide grin spreading across his face.

“What a beautiful sight. 00 buckshot.” He welded a cheek to stock position, securing the butt.

“Who’s it going to be?” he asked.

I looked at Knox with a slightly raised brow. “You sure you don’t want to reconsider?”

“I’m sure,” he affirmed.

Jacob glared at the back of his brother’s head. “What the hell do you think you’re—”

“So, you then?” Amo swung the barrel and pulled the trigger.

It was shock that delayed Jacob’s response. That and the fact that he didn’t seem to realize what had just happened until the bone jutting out cleanly snapped from his body weight. He dropped to the hardwood cursing and screaming, grabbing at what remained of his severed limb.

Flesh and lead mixed with the spongy fat hanging precariously from the gaping wound, reminding me of shredded meat.

I could visibly see the carnage done to the tissue. The mangled nub seemed to gush blood in sync with his frantic screams.

“What the fuck?” His brother instantly knelt beside him, removing his shirt to use as a tourniquet. The result was him carelessly pulling off more flesh to secure it.

Jacob’s wails continued to fill the room. I could’ve listened to his agonizing cries all fucking night, but he wasn’t the main attraction—just collateral.

“Shut him up,” I said to Amo.

Without a word, he slammed the butt of the gun into the side of Jacob’s head, ignoring Tyson begging for him to stop. He hit him once, twice, the third time being the charm and leaving only a small wound.

Their mother wailed and started to rush towards him. I pushed off the wall and grabbed her by the bun on her head. She cried out as I swung her full circle into Knox’s chest. He caught her in his arms and snarled at me like a dog, too big of a pussy to step forward and do anything else.

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