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Damaged (Boys of Winter 2)

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“Oh, umm …” the dog takes off, sprinting around the backyard and I’ve honestly never seen it so happy. It has food, water, a clean yard to play and run, even a pool to sprint laps around. “I actually have no idea. I always assumed it was a girl, but I can’t say that I’ve ever tackled it to the ground, flipped it over, and checked to see what bits and pieces it has.”

Carver rolls his eyes, less than impressed with my comments as Cruz comes to stand by my side, watching the dog as it races around the yard. “It looks like a girl to me.”

“How does a dog either look like a girl or a boy?” King mutters. “It’s not like it has a pink bow in its hair or comes fully equipped with a spiked collar.”

“Then be my guest,” Cruz tells him. “You’re more than welcome to get on your hands and knees to find out.”

“You know what?” King says, a cocky grin stretching over his face and he meets my stare. “I think you’re right. She’s definitely a girl.”

I can’t help but laugh as both Carver and Grayson scoff, letting King know exactly what they think of his desire to not go digging between the dog’s legs in search of a set of hairy balls. Personally, I think both Grayson and Carver would revel in a job like that. They’re always searching to see who has the biggest set of balls. Spoiler alert, it’s me. Always me.

“So, what’s it going to be?” Grayson asks from his perch against the side of the house. “What’s the dog’s name?”

I scrunch my face, my lips twisting in thought as I watch the dog run up and down the length of the property. This is too much pressure. What if I give her a shitty name? What if she doesn’t like it or doesn’t respond to it?

Fuck. Is this what new parents go through naming their babies? I want something strong, but I also want it to suit her personality.

I’m just about to start throwing out ideas when she stops running and catches sight of her own damn tail. She instantly starts barking at it, threatening to tear it right off the back of her ass as she chases it, darting around in circles and making herself dizzy.

A grin tears across my face as I look back at the boys. “I’ve got the perfect name,” I announce proudly. “She’s feisty, irritating, clearly very stupid, and I have a feeling that her bark is a lot worse than her bite, which could only mean that she’s a super bitch. Probably hormonal too. So from this day forward, I declare my new pupper to be named Lady Dante, Queen of the Bitches.”

King, Cruz, and Grayson smirk and discreetly smother their laughs as Carver just stares. “You’re fucking kidding, right? You can’t call her that.”

“And why the hell not? It suits her perfectly, and it’s not like you’re using the name. The only time I’ve ever heard it being used is when it comes out of my mouth because you’ve managed to piss me off again.”

Carver just glares while Cruz howls with laughter. “I think the name is perfect,” he says, dropping to his knees in the grass and patting his thighs. “Come here Lady Dante. Come here.”

The dog instantly bolts toward him and jumps into Cruz’s arms, her excitement enough to have her falling all over herself. She jumps up frantically, licking Cruz’s face and letting him know just how much she appreciates his attention. I bet she never got anything like this while living in Kurt and Irene’s small, dirty yard.

“That’s right, Dante. Kiss me. You fucking love it, don’t you, my little dirty bitch?” Cruz coos, his eyes sparkling with laughter as he plays with the dog and Carver’s nerves at the same time. Lady Dante rolls around in front of Cruz, exposing herself and proving once and for all that she is in fact a girl. “Do you want a scratch, Dante?” Cruz continues, giving the dog exactly what she wants. “Yeah, I knew you’d like it rough.”

I drop down into the grass beside Cruz and the dog instantly jumps up and shoves her head right between my legs, giving my lady bits a good sniff in that irritating way that dogs always seem to do. I grab her head and push her back. “Dante, where are your manners?” I demand, pretending to reprimand her. “You need to ask a girl to dinner before you help yourself to dessert.”

“Oh, really?” Carver scoffs. “Because that’s the level of respect you held for yourself when King and Cruz wanted a taste of that sweet pussy.”

King sucks in a sharp breath and looks between me and Carver. “Ahh, fuck. Shots fired.”

I just laugh, getting up off the ground and walking back toward Carver. I step around him, loving how his eyes never leave mine. He doesn’t move, not even a flinch or a slight blink as I walk right around him, but damn, Cruz, Grayson, and King are watching our showdown.

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