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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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A knock at the door and a shout from Sloan had Cree bidding him entrance. In minutes the two men were making plans for the morrow when Seth would accompany Cree’s warriors and track the other two men lurking in the woods.


Dawn rested the reminder of the day and when supper was brought to her she waited, thinking Cree intended to join her. When he didn’t, she nibbled on some of the food, finding she had little appetite.

She feared she had made a terrible mistake by telling him that she loved him. She now wondered why she had done such a foolish thing. He certainly had encouraged her to confide anything in him, and she had taken it to heart. She had believed he had truly meant it. And she had foolishly thought that perhaps—just perhaps—he could possibly feel the same.

The hours wore on and as it grew later and later, Dawn realized that Cree had no intention of returning to spend the night with her. Had her declaration of love driven him away? It was too late now. She could not take it back and she didn’t want to. She had spoken the truth; she loved him. And that wasn’t going to change.

A couple of hours later Dawn slipped into a fitful slumber.

Cree stood watching her from the doorway. He didn’t know if her wound was causing such a restless sleep or if perhaps dreams disturbed her. Whatever the reason her sleep was far from peaceful.

He hadn’t planned on returning to her bed tonight. He had given thought to not returning to her at all, but he had discovered after only a short time in his bed alone that that wasn’t possible. He had actually missed her. He had turned on his side, his arms reaching out for her when he had realized that he was in his own bed alone. The idea that he didn’t have her beside him to wrap himself around had angered him and so he came here to her cottage.

He hadn’t debated the matter, argued, cautioned, or stopped himself. His one and only thought was to crawl in bed with her, wrap himself around her and go to sleep.

Mostly, his thought would have been solely on making love to her, but not this time. She had been wounded and needed rest and he felt worn out himself. He simply wanted the comfort of her body against his. And to make certain she was protected even though he had guards on her. No one could protect her like he could.

He shed his garments and eased himself in bed beside her. She lay on her side and he moved up against her, his arm draping around her to tuck her close against him. She tried to turn in his arms but winced as she did, her wound too fresh to lie on.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “you’re safe in my arms.” He pressed her back flat against his front, and draped his legs across hers, stilling her restlessness.

She settled into a peaceful sleep, her hand moving to rest on his arm and her one finger giving it a tap.

He smiled. He liked that in her sleep she acknowledged that she agreed. Yes, she was safe in his arms. His smile slowly faded. How had this voiceless woman become so important to him? He had no answer and he presently didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that he was here wrapped around her and he planned on never letting her go.

Chapter Thirty-three

Dawn walked through the village, a basket on her arm and Neil tagging close behind her. She had gotten permission from Cree to go into the woods and gather the makings for a wreath. The air had the scent of snow to it and with the grayness of the sky, snow definitely seemed likely.

It had been two weeks since her injury and her wound had healed well, though her shoulder ached slightly. Daily life had settled into a pleasant routine for all and smiles were seen far more often than frowns. Everyone worked to make certain food supply would be plentiful for the winter. And Cree saw that hard work was rewarded. Fear for their new lord was replaced with respect and admiration. The first session Cree had held to hear grievances had gossiping tongues wagging about what a fair lord he was.

The villagers were also pleased that Cree had ordered plaids made for everyone in the village so that they would unite as a clan. Even the smallest child would have one. Lila had been made overseer of the project and four women were appointed to work with her.

Dawn hurried her pace. Cree had warned her not to dally. Even though the other two men sent to eliminate Dawn had been caught with the help of Seth, Cree still kept a guard on her. Seth remained a prisoner as did Rem.

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