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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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Dawn had caught his eye not soon after entering the village. How could she not? She stood out in the crowd being taller than most men. He couldn’t say what made him focus on her, her features certainly didn’t captivate, though didn’t repel. Her body was pleasing enough, a narrow waist and full hips just as he liked them, though her breasts didn’t even look to be a handful. Her hair hung long and the color wasn’t particularly appealing—dark red—and without a curl or wave to it, though it shined. And the scent had been quite pleasing. It reminded him of the heather covered hills on a fine autumn day.

He forced the smile from his face as soon as he realized it had surfaced. He didn’t need to be thinking about Dawn. But there had been something about her when their eyes had met that had stirred him unexpectedly. He had nearly gotten hard and that was unusual for him. He controlled his lust never letting it rule him. That a woman, plain and voiceless, could tempt him so easily disturbed him.

The latch creaked and Cree jumped to his feet annoyed that he had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he hadn’t heard anyone approach. He silently berated himself for not paying heed and losing himself in foolish musings.

The door sprung open and Dawn stumbled in, the guard’s laughter trailing in after her as he forced it shut. Cree clenched his fist, angry with the man for shoving her and promising himself that the idiot would suffer for it.

Cree walked over to her, stopping so close their bodies almost touched. “Are you all right?”

She nodded.

He stared at her lips wondering what it must be like to never be able to speak a word, never make yourself known, never to cry out in pleasure. He turned hastily away from her.

“I’m hungry.”

She hurriedly set to work, her hands trembling and her thoughts in turmoil. She knew lust when she saw it. She would see it in Paul’s eyes for his wife and in other men when they sniffed after women.

Even though the hut was dark, they had stood close enough for her to see the lust in Cree’s eyes. And while she feared what she saw, it also troubled her that she felt a quickening in her stomach. Was it because she had never lain with a man that her body responded? Was it nothing more than her body’s need that she felt? Had it been unnatural for her to go so long without mating?

She didn’t like these thoughts that buzzed like a swarm of bees in her head, and she tried to keep focused on her task at hand.

Cree watched her work. Her hands trembled, though she kept good control, not allowing it to interfere with her chore. She fumbled with the pouch that hung from the belt at her waist, but got it open quick enough. He was surprised when the scent of heather filled the confined space. She sprinkled handfuls of the scented sprigs around and he was grateful. It helped mask the lingering pungent odor.

She spread a blanket on the hard earth and placed two folded ones on it. She then emptied the basket of food setting generous amounts in the middle of the blanket.

He almost grinned. Colum planned on keeping him well feed and his lust appeased in hopes Cree would speak freely to Dawn. Cree had other plans. He would be the one to learn from Dawn. Though mute, she had obviously found a way to communicate with those who bothered to pay attention, and he would pay her attention.

She waved her hand over the blanket inviting him to partake.

Cree walked around to where she stood on the opposite side of the blanket, sensing her apprehension as he approached. He admired her fortitude to keep a stoic stand, though she obviously wished to run. Where would she run? There was no place for her to go.

He held his hand out to her. “Allow me to help you sit.”

Her eyes turned wide and if she hadn’t been mute, he had no doubt that his unexpected mannerly action would have turned her speechless.

Hesitantly, her hand stretched out to him.

He didn’t wait; he snatched hold of it. Her chilled hand soon turned warm in his heated one, and he was surprised that her skin felt soft. He had thought with all her chores that calluses would mar her hands, but not so.

With his grip strong, he assisted her to the ground. He then returned to the other side and sat down.

“Did you cook any of this?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“You don’t work in the kitchen?”

She nodded.

“What do you do there?”

Dawn stared at him a moment surprised that he attempted to converse with her and surprised that she favored the idea.

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