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Highlander Unchained (Highlander Trilogy 1)

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She was relieved that with her face tucked against him that he could not see her cheeks heat from the intimate memories. Never had she thought she would enjoy coupling so very much. Never had she thought that she’d respond so readily to Cree’s touch. And it seemed that the more he touched her the more she responded, and the more she wanted him. Whether it was his arm around her waist as it was now or a gentle touch to her arm, or a light kiss or the brush of his arm against hers, passion flamed. And she wondered if she would ever get enough of him.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

Dawn was beginning to realize that he always sounded as if he demanded. It seemed to be his way and she knew she must learn not to let it bother her. She answered yes by pressing once against his arm.

“How did you get passed the guard? Let me rephrase that… did you climb out the window?”

She smiled, once again relieved that he could not see her face and pressed once on his arm.

“I suppose I’m going to have to have that window boarded up.”

She shook her head vehemently as she raised it off his chest. The shaking slowed and then stopped when her eyes met his. How could they be so dark and cold and yet so heated and lustful? His eyes warned and yet they promised, and her body quivered at the thought.

“You are not a prisoner. You may go where you like and the guard will accompany you.”

She tapped her chest and shook her hand.

“You may think you don’t need a guard, but I think you do and so you shall have a guard at all times until I say otherwise.”

There was no point in arguing with him. He would have his way no matter what and she much preferred not to have the window boarded shut. She already felt a prisoner; a boarded window would only make it worse.

She acquiesced with a slow nod.

Cree felt her relax in his arms. He did not know what had made him scoop her up and bring her along. He only knew that he had not been able to resist the urge and he was glad he hadn’t and that she was now here with him.

Of course growing hard against her as he was doing did not help, but then he was already thinking of getting her alone and making love to her. He had thought he had had his fill last night, but his urge for her was like that of a starving man. And the more he had her, the more he wanted her.

He slipped his hand beneath her breast and cupped it giving it a firm squeeze and whispered. “I want to feel you grind beneath me again.”

Her body grew taut and she cast her eyes down.

“Look at me,” he ordered and her eyes shot up. He inhaled sharply. “Passion burns in you as it does me.”

He was right and it made her feel all the more a wicked woman. Whatever was the matter with her, craving Cree the way she did. Did she forget that the devil was tempting her soul? Nothing good would come of their lust. He would never wed her and one day he would leave her and then what? But at the moment what choice did she have? He was the new Earl of Carrick and she could not deny him, and Lord forgive her, she did not want to.

She pressed her finger once against his arm holding it there longer than necessary, letting him know that he was right.

“You belong to me, Dawn. I and I alone will touch you. And I alone will decide your fate.”

Her stomach churned at the thought that her fate lied in Cree’s hands, and she shifted slightly as if putting a bit of a distance between them would make a difference. She winced when she accidentally settled against his bulge.

“You’re sore.”

She ignored his curt tone and nodded.

“You will go see Elsa when we return.”

Another terse remark she ignored and nodded to appease him. She would go see Elsa when she felt it was necessary or at least put it off until he forced it upon her. Where did this feeling of defiance come from? She had always obeyed without question. She had had little choice. It had been either that or suffer harsh consequences. Did she think that Cree wouldn’t punish her? Or was she finally feeling her own strength and relying on it?

She looked around her wondering where they were headed and her heart gave a catch at the beauty of the land that stretched out around them. The rolling hills gave way to meadows falling dormant in preparation of winter. The last of the heather was fading fast and some of the trees were already barren while the pine remained ever green.

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