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Highlander’s Captive (Highlander Trilogy 3)

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Wintra’s stomach roiled as she spotted three of Owen’s warriors standing at the bottom of the steps of the keep, their eyes remaining steady on her and Torr.

“Owen must have come directly here after finding we led him on a false trail,” Torr said.

She feared what lies he may have already told Cree, and how they would affect her and Torr. The one thought that was stronger than all others was for her to get to her brother and tell him the truth about what had passed.

Torr dismounted, and then helped her off the horse. “Do not let this evil man rob you of the joy of being reunited with your brother. That above all else is what is important at this moment.”

“That is why I love you so much. You understand me and my maddening thoughts and love me anyway.”

“Just to remind you how much, Princess—”

He kissed her and not a gentle, friendly kiss, but a kiss that let all who saw it know that she belonged to him, and it tingled from head to toe and back again. When he ended it, he gave her a minute to clear her senses, then took her hand and led her up the keep steps.

She followed along, though at that moment she would have followed him anywhere.

Wintra stopped a few feet into the Great Hall, Torr halting alongside her and Sloan and some warriors coming to a stop behind them. A nervous quiver ran through her. Cree’s warriors milled about while a few of Owen’s warriors lingered near the dais, which meant he was close by.

When Owen’s warriors spotted her, their heads turned, and just after that Owen’s head appeared to the side of a wide set of shoulders.

She cried out as her brother turned around. “Cree!”

Tears stung her eyes and her heart filled with joy at the sight of him. While intimidating to all, he wasn’t to her. He was simply her loving brother. She didn’t stop her tears from falling, and when he spread his arms wide welcoming her into them as he had done so often when she was young, she did not stop herself from running to him.

Cree hugged his sister tight, happy to finally have her home and he let her shed her tears just as he had always done. Then she would raise her tear-stained face to him and tell him how much better she felt now that he had chased away her fear or sorrow or whatever had been bothering her at that moment. If it was happy tears she cried, she would wiggle out of his arms and tell him that she had planted some happiness on him, and he was not allowed to wipe it away.

She eased herself from his arms, though her hands took hold of his, but before she could say a word Owen stepped from behind Cree.

“There is no need to worry, my dear. I have explained to your brother how much we love each other, and how we are practically wed since we already consummated our love for each other. I also explained how that brute,” — Owen pointed to Torr—“forced himself upon you and although you are disgraced I love you and will overlook it. We can wed immediately.”

Wintra was horrified by his lies and was about to tell Owen what she truly thought of him when Torr stepped forward.

“You are a liar. You never consummated anything with Wintra. And she does not love you.”

“We most certainly did. Wintra gave herself to me willingly the night we spent alone in the woods,” Owen said boldly. “She is rightfully mine. All we need is the ceremony to confirm it”

“You are a fool if you think anyone will believe your lies,” Torr said, his hands fisting at his sides. “I tracked you and I saw everything that went on that night. You left her sleeping alone while you joined a group of warriors a distance away.”

Cree turned his head slowly to glare at Owen. “You left my sister vulnerable to attacks by foe or animal?”

“He is lying,” Owen yelled.

“Is he?” Cree asked. “Then tell me how Torr got my sister away from you.”

“I offer your sister love and a good life with me,” Owen argued rather than answer Cree.

“I do not know your motive for wanting to wed Wintra, but it has nothing to do with love or you would have never hit her or—” Torr never got to finish.

Cree grabbed Owen by the throat and hoisted him up off the ground to dangle in front of him. “You dared lay a hand on my sister?” he demanded, his eyes full of fury.

Owen gasped for breath, his hands uselessly ripping at Cree’s to free himself. “L-l-let m-m-me—” He was suddenly dropped to his feet and through heaving breaths he said, “Wintra was hysterical from what Torr had done to her. Slapping her was the only way to calm her.”

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