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Trapped (Caged 2)

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Tria looked up as I came around the corner and gave me one of those smiles that seemed to make my brain turn to mush. Either that or the guy I had beaten earlier landed one good punch to the head. I scooted up next to her and put my arm around her shoulders, figuring we’d watch the rest of whatever movie she had on, but Tria had other ideas.

She turned to me almost immediately, got up on her knees, and wrapped her fingers in my hair before kissing me. I found her hips with my hands, and I alternated my focus between the taste of her tongue and resisting the urge to pull her down against my cock.

She moved her hands down to my shoulders and then further down my arms before moving up again. We moved

together with open mouths, just barely touching with lips and tongues. She moved her mouth to my jaw, nibbling playfully at the scruff there as she stroked my chest.

I felt my body tighten at her touch, and my skin tingled as her fingers moved over my chest and down to my abs. She took one finger and slid it over the ridge of each muscle. I caught her under her chin with my fingers and brought her mouth back to mine.

Open mouthed, I moved from her lips, up the line of her jaw, to her ear, and back again. With my free hand, I crept from her hip up her side, and my thumb stroked the skin of her stomach. I felt her hand over mine.

I started to pull away, assuming her intent was to tell me to stop, but her grip on my fingers tightened. Opening my eyes, I looked down at her and watched her tongue dart out over her lips before she slowly pushed my hand upwards.

“You sure?” I breathed, hating myself for even asking the question instead of jumping on the opportunity. In response, Tria rose up just enough to pull her shirt up over her head.

My cock tried to jump right through the material of my jeans to tit fuck her right there in her bra.

I had to physically restrain myself from the action as she settled back above me on her knees. The bra itself wasn’t unfamiliar—I’d seen all of her clothes in the drawers before—but having the lacy white material wrapped around her smooth breasts laid out before me was completely different.

I sat up and moved her with me until she was flat on her back on the couch, and I was hovering over her. I moistened my lips as I gazed down at the pale flesh before me with only a slight curve visible at the top of the lacy front.

As slowly as I could endure, I traced her skin from the edge of the thin strap around her shoulder and down to the mound of flesh against the lace edge. Barely touching her, I outlined from one edge over the curve, down into the slight dip, and back over again. My fingertip completed the trek back up to her other shoulder, and then began to make its way down again.

Once it hit the center of the dip again, I fanned out my fingers—still keeping my touch ultra-light—and stroked slowly toward the outside of her breast. I could feel my own breathing increasing in tempo with hers as I touched her through the thin material. I mimicked the motion with my other hand and the other breast, leaning in to kiss her shoulder as I moved.

I didn’t push the material aside like I wanted to. This was far more than I expected out of the evening, and I wasn’t going to push her any further unless she explicitly asked for it. Instead, I swirled the tip of my finger around her nipple and felt it tighten with my touch.

Tria gasped, and her hips bucked slightly, which brought a huge smile to my face. I continued with the light, barely there touches until her eyes were hooded and her mouth dropped open as she exhaled.

“Do you feel that?” I whispered against her neck as I traced the outside of her nipple. I pulled back a little so I was over her again and then let my gaze linger down her body. “All the way down between your legs?”

She gasped, and her gaze darted to mine. She shifted quickly from shock to desire, and moved to run her hand down my chest again, this time dropping lower. I captured her mouth as her finger traced the thin line of hair from my navel down to the top button of my jeans and stopped there, hesitant. I couldn’t breathe for a moment as I slowly circled her nipple with my thumb, and she opened her mouth to mine again.

“Uhh!” I grunted as breath escaped through my lips at the touch of her hand through the denim. I tried to silence myself for a couple of reasons—one, because I didn’t want to start whooping for joy and scare the shit out of her now that she had finally made a move, and two, because I was afraid any sound I made would encourage my hips to move and possibly impale her on my dick in the process.

God, I wanted to impale her. I could be Vlad the Impaler, and she could be my little Vamptria.

She moved her hand slowly, fingers straight, over the outside of my jeans as I tried to keep myself totally still. Hesitantly, she palmed the bulge that was desperately trying to escape from the tightly confined space.

“Show me?” she asked in a whisper.

Without hesitating, I covered her hand with mine, feeling the warmth of her palm pushing against my straining cock with more pressure. Slowly, I moved our hands together, sliding her curled fingers over the outside of my jeans from the base of my dick to the tip and wishing I had known she was going to do this earlier so I could have changed into sweats for the occasion.

“Is this okay?” her tiny voice asked.

“Oh fuck, God, yes…” I babbled. My cock thought it had gone to dick heaven and was seriously threatening to bust some buttons. It was like it hadn’t had any hand on it but my own in over a year—oh wait, it hadn’t—and was trying to remind me that this was what it was supposed to feel like.

Tria seemed to be getting the hang of it, so I released her hand and ran it up her bare side. She shuddered a little as I diverted course and brushed softly over her tits again. I covered her lips with mine and moaned into her mouth as she moved a little faster and with more earnest.

Tria’s hand came up and palmed the head of my dick. Her fingers circled and twisted a little, creating tension throughout my body that began to focus below my navel. My thighs trembled slightly.


“What?” she asked, her eyes going wide as her hand stopped moving. “Was that wrong?”

“No…God, fuck no,” I muttered with only slight coherency. “It’s just…I’m gonna come if you keep going.”

“You are?” she whispered.

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