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“Will do!” Cole raised his eyebrow at me and sauntered out, being sure to completely close the door to the office as he left. Good man. I looked back up at the delectable office worker in the fuck-hot shoes.

“Sit.” I waved my hand in a ridiculously grand movement toward Kender’s desk chair. For a moment, she just stood there with her mouth open a little, staring at me. I wanted to shove my tongue down her throat. Or maybe my cock. Either. Both. I tilted my head and gazed back at her, waiting for her to fucking obey me. If I had to ask again…well, maybe I would give her a good spanking.

Then she blushed again.


The blood flowing through her cheeks seemed to have a direct line to the blood flowing into my cock, which throbbed a bit. I could see her chest rising and falling as her breathing increased with her nervousness. She dropped her eyes again but not to the ground. I was pretty sure she was looking at my crotch, and I wondered if she could see how hard she was making me. I wondered if she wanted a better look. The thought made me chuckle to myself, and her rosy cheeks darkened. Yeah, she did want a better look.

She finally took the few steps forward and turned to sit in the chair, giving me a brief view of skin between her skirt and her blouse as it rode up a little. Once she sat back, I couldn’t see it anymore, so I went ahead and pushed her closer to the desk.

“Sign on,” I told her. She had to have a password that would work, even if it wasn’t his. If she could just get in, Cole could probably hack his way to what I needed. Her eyes widened, and she stared down at the keyboard. I could see her hesitancy, even hear it in her hitched breaths. She probably had some notion of company loyalty—probably signed a fucking agreement to that effect. Of course, she also had an international terrorist standing next to her whether she knew it or not. I leaned against the chair’s arm and b

ent down to give her some words of…encouragement.

For good measure, and to make sure she heard me, I took a lock of her hair and pushed it back behind her ear. She tensed at my touch, and I could see the shiver run through her body this time. Her fingers turned white as they dug into the armrests. I was going to have to be careful. She was already frightened, and I needed her on my side.

“Olivia, I know what you are thinking.” My lips were almost touching her ear, and I had to resist the urge to suck her lobe into my mouth. I did resist. Barely. “You are worried about your loyalty. You are concerned that you may be betraying the trust of the man who hired you. I'm telling you, Olivia, he is not worthy of your trust.”

“And you are?” She took a sharp breath, and I figured she hadn’t meant to say that out loud. She had a point, though. I couldn’t explain why, but it was suddenly important to me that she understand that I was not the bad guy here, despite appearances.

“Most certainly,” I said. “Though you have met me under some rather…interesting circumstances, I assure you trusting me is more likely to be in your best interest than trusting Mr. Kender.”

“Why do you say that?”

Because he’s a pervert. Because he kidnaps little girls and sells them into slavery. Because he murdered my niece. Because I want to get my hands on him long enough to make him feel all the pain he’s inflicted on my family. Because my brother’s dead. Because everything he has done has turned me into what I am now.

“Because he is a vile, evil man,” I finally said through clenched teeth. I had to get myself back under control. I was going to scare the shit out of her if I said much else. I couldn’t say all that she needed to know without ripping the fucking room to shreds. I took a slow, deep breath. “I'd kill him myself, but I'm afraid that would be far too easy on him.”

She didn’t move. She sat completely motionless except for her rising and falling chest, which was exactly what I needed to distract me from the memories in my head. Elliot’s phone call—Abby was missing. The look on his face when the police came to the door to tell him she was dead. My sister-in-law completely losing it and ending up in a psych ward. The blood all over his bedroom and the smoking gun still in my brother’s hand…

She shifted just a little in the chair, and the gap between two of her blouse buttons widened, thankfully distracting me from my morbid thoughts. I could see just the slightest hint of cleavage. My fingers warmed with blood, begging to reach out and feel the softness of her skin, and my cock wanted to join them. She was the only way I was going to get what I needed with or without showing me her tits.

“I am going to use a word that I don't use very often,” I said softly. I leaned over her and placed my hand on her shoulder as her eyes met mine and widened in trepidation. “But this is important. Olivia, please, type in Mr. Kender's name and password.”

“For which folders?” she asked without hesitation. God, yes! That was what I needed to hear. My brain quickly processed her words. Folders…different folders with different passwords, some containing his legitimate business and others with the names of his contacts—the information I truly needed.

“Multiple accounts for accessing different information?” I asked, and she nodded. “How are they organized?”

“By color.”

“Which colors?”

“Um…blue and green—those are the ones he usually wants. Red and yellow, orange, gray, pink …”

Pink. Oh, that dirty motherfucker. I covered her lips with my finger and didn’t miss that her mouth opened slightly when I did.

“That's the one,” I told her.

“He never goes into that one.”

How does the PA know what the bastard accesses and what he does not?

“How do you know?”

“He never asked me for the password,” she said. “He can't remember any of them.”

No, he wouldn’t ask for that one. If he was going to memorize any password, that would be the one. Little girl pink. He was far too sick for words, and I had to force my body not to just run right outside and blow him away. No, I wasn’t going to do that. He wasn’t going to get off that easy. The fucker was going to pay for everything he has done. Fucking pay. In blood. In pain.

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