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The Silver Swan (The Elite King's Club 1)

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I raise my head, finding four dark shadows following behind us, all wearing hoodies to cover their faces. Scanning my eyes over each one, they land on who I’m pretty sure is Nate. “Why?”

He pauses, walking toward me just as whoever is holding me drops me to the ground. “Why, Nate?” I scream, my butt aching from being slammed onto the gravel.

Nate—I think— walks toward me, dropping to the ground until he’s kneeling in front of me. He leans forward, and if the ski mask wasn’t covering his face, I’d be able to see what I’m guessing is the smirk on his face. “You act like you don’t know.”

“What?” I turn and watch as he gets to his feet and opens up the back door of a long stretch limo.

“Blindfold her,” another voice says.

“What?” I whip my head from side to side, watching each of them. “No!” I shake my head, stepping back until my butt hits the car. A strong arm wraps around my waist from inside the limo and pulls me inside. I scream—a full girly scream—just as a blindfold is being tugged around my eyes, shutting off my vision.


With no vision.

All I have are my listening skills, which, if I’m being honest, doesn’t have a very good track history. Breathing, deep breathing, in and out. That’s all I can hear as the car dips with people piling into the back. My chest rises and falls, my anger beginning to boil to the surface. I hear a door shut just before we start pulling out of wherever the hell we are.

“Why the fuck is this happening?” I decide to be the first person to break the silence.

“Stop the act, sis.” Nate. And he’s sitting beside me. Whoever pulled me into the car is sitting on the other side.

My head whips to where Nate is. “What fucking act? You’re truly starting to piss me off. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. I came here because I thought the rest of you pieces of shit were in trouble! So you mean to tell m—”

“Jesus fuck, someone shut it up.” That came from the voice beside me. Nate chuckles, but I ignore him. My head turns to the other voice. “Oh, I’m sorry. I truly am. I’m so fucking sorry for actually leaving my warm bed and coming to make sure the rest of you are fucking safe and to bail you out of whatever the fuck you were all doing!”

“Nate, man, is your old lady serious about her dad? ‘Cause I feel sorry for you.” That came from someone opposite me.

I flip whoever that was the bird, not knowing whether they can see me or not.

“Sis, play nice. You do as you’re told, and this will end fine.”

“Yeah, except for the fact I don’t think she’s very good at doing what she’s fucking told.” That was the voice beside me again. Deep, domineering, and—

“Well, fuck!” Nate gripes beside me. “Tell me what the fuck to do ‘cause I got nothing! She is a girl!”

“Are you sure?” a voice opposite me asks. “I mean, she’s into guns, and has a smart fucking mouth on her. Maybe she’s not. Maybe I should check?”

“Fuck off, Hunter.” That was Nate.

I turn rigid. “No one will be checking anything.”

Nate shuffles beside me. “I’m going to ask you something, sis. Answer me truthfully, because where we’re taking you, you won’t make it out alive if you can’t be honest.”

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, mimicking his tone. “And who the fuck is that?” I bite out.

“Here we go,” the other voice beside me mutters.

“I’m sorry, would you like to wear the fucking blindfold?” I ask him, annoyed.

“I volunteer!” another voice says.

“Shut the fuck up, Cash!” Nate’s hackles rise again.

“Cash?” I scoff.

“You too!” Nate yells toward me. “Shut up.”

“Can someone please remove this blindfold?”

“I like it on you,” that same voice murmurs across from me.

Nate growls. “Back to my question!” he yells, though I get the feeling he’s not yelling at me this time. “Listen, we need to know if you’ve been here before.”

“Where?” I ask.

“To the Hamptons.”

Instant. “No.”

“This makes no fucking sense,” the voice beside me mutters again.

“Are you a virgin?” Nate asks.

That earns him a scowl. “What?” I sputter. “What sort of question is that?”

“Answer the fucking question.”

“She is,” the one beside me says.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” I scoff. “Would you like to answer all my questions for me? And I’d rather not talk about that.”

“Are you going to keep delaying your answers?” he retorts.

“I’m not—” A hand skims up my right thigh, on Nate’s side. “What are you doing?” I shove his hand off my leg, only for it to come straight back. “Go with it, sis.”

“Okay, first of all, if you’re going to be feeling me up, could you keep ‘sis’ out of your mouth?”

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