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Bad Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy 1)

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“I did nothing, I swear. We met on campus. Talked and texted a few times. And that’s it. For some reason, he seems to think it was love at first sight for us.”


“Or so he said.” I scoff. “Talk about a lady-boner-killer.”

Reed smiles. “You don’t believe in love at first sight, Cinderella?”

“No, Prince Charming, I don’t. I frankly think the entire idea is ludicrous. But Bryce believes in it. Unless he was only saying that to me because he thought it was what I wanted to hear. Which would then make him horrifically bad at reading a girl’s signals.”

“Naw, he was being straight with you,” Reed says. “Despite everything he’s got going for him on the playing field, that kid’s got zero game.”

“And yet, he was willing to throw his supposedly instant love for me under the bus, to get you to listen to his sister’s music. Love, zero. Ambition, one.”

“Like I said before: everyone’s got a price. You’ve just got to figure out what it is, and bribe them with it.”

“I don’t have a price.”

He smirks.

“I don’t.”

He pats my head. “Okay, Georgie girl. You’re the only person on Earth without a price.” He chuckles. “It’s times like this I’m reminded just how young you really are.” He opens the door for me. “The truth is, sweetheart, if you think you can’t be bought, that only means nobody’s been smart enough to figure out your price yet.”

Chapter 13


The cool night air envelops Georgina and me as the door of Bernie’s Place closes behind us. I’m buzzing. Off-kilter. Feverishly lit up with my hunger for this woman’s flesh—with my desire to explore and devour every inch of her, to breach her borders and push her boundaries—to claim her, conquer her, ruin her—until she’s begging for mercy and crying tears of euphoria.

Only a few feet outside of the bar, a tsunami of lust washes over me. So much so, I stop walking, pin Georgina against the building’s façade, and do the thing I’ve been aching to do since I first laid eyes on her: I press my hungry mouth to hers. And when she parts her lips and invites me inside with a soft and sexy moan, when my tongue enters her mouth and tangles with hers, when her body unmistakably bursts into white-hot flames against mine, I lose my fucking mind. Instantly, I’m a flaming pyre of greed and need. So overwhelmed with hunger for her, I can’t remember my own name. Has a simple kiss ignited my body like this before? If so, I don’t remember it.

My phone buzzes with an incoming text in my pocket, but I ignore it. Surely, it’s Isabel again, insisting I call her. The same way she’s been doing all night. But everything I needed to say to her, I said this afternoon. And even if I hadn’t, nobody but Georgina exists anymore. Not in this moment. Right now, the entire world is Georgina and me, and nobody else.

I deepen my voracious kiss, my tongue demonstrating how my body is going to move inside hers when I get her into my bed, and she responds enthusiastically in kind, kissing me with as much passion and energy as I’m showing her. In short order, I’m so aroused, I can barely breathe. I push myself between her legs, yearning to burrow my throbbing cock inside her, and she moans her invitation for me to continue my assault. And so, I do. I press myself against her center, hard, still kissing her, yearning to massage that magical, delicious bundle of nerves that’s going to drive her fucking wild when I get to it with my tongue, and Georgina slides her arms around my neck and grinds herself against my hard dick, making me even more desperate to sink myself inside her.

As our kiss continues, every atom inside me explodes into a fierce, unquenchable fire ball. Gasping for air, I grab Georgina’s thigh and hoist it up, opening her to me like a blooming flower, and she shudders and grips my shoulder ferociously, like she’s hanging on for dear life. We’re a raging inferno now, Georgina and me. Both of us combustible in a way I haven’t felt in a very long time. If ever.

Panting, I disengage from our kiss. But only because I’m acutely aware it’s not nearly enough. I want more. And I can’t get it on a sidewalk.

“We’re fire,” I murmur, brushing my lips against her soft cheek. “I can’t wait to get you naked and kiss your pussy, just like that.”

Her chest heaves. “Oh, God.”

I kiss her again, simply because I can’t resist, even though I know I’m only wasting our precious time at this point. And then, after we’ve forced ourselves apart again, we clasp hands and begin striding up the sidewalk like we’re walking on air.

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