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Beautiful Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy 2)

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“Entrez,” his sexy voice calls from behind the door.

Clutching Alessandra’s demo, I open the door and step inside the vast room... and gasp at the sensuous scene before me. As expected, Reed is wearing nothing but briefs. Sexy black ones, to be exact. But expecting him to be nearly naked, after previously seeing online photos of him in swim trunks, is a very different thing than seeing this god among men nearly naked in person. He’s mouthwatering, this man. Scrumptious. Delicious. An erotic work of art.

He’s lying atop his bed. Also, as expected. But this isn’t any normal bed. It’s a massive wood-carved four-poster that’s, not surprisingly, fit for a king. Its frame is imposing and masculine. Its mattress covered in a ruby-red duvet and sumptuous pillows of gold, blue, and purple. If Henry VIII were alive today, he’d sleep in this bed.

And the cherry on top of this fantastical cake? Or, rather, the mirror? Reed’s got one on his ceiling. A mirror. Directly above his porno-king bed. It’s a feature that turns me on and amuses me in equal measure.

“Nice mirrored ceiling,” I say, my tone bursting with snark as I walk across the room. “I didn’t know that was an actual thing, except maybe in music videos and porn.”

“Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

“I’m not. I’m mocking it before trying it.”

He chuckles. “Trust me, little kitty. Watching yourself having sex is gonna get you off like crazy. It’s like watching yourself in a live-action sex tape. So fucking hot.” He pats the mattress next to him, his eyes blazing. “Come here, kitty-kitty.”

I do as I’m told. I climb onto the bed next to him, still clutching the demo. But when he leans in to kiss me, I hold out the flash drive, sensing one kiss, and I’ll quickly forget about the demo for the rest of the night. “I look forward to watching myself getting fucked by you in your mirrored ceiling after you listen to this. All three songs. A minute each. A deal’s a deal.”

Reed eyes the demo in my hand, but takes it, although he’s looking at it with downright disdain.

My stomach flip-flops. “You promised, Reed.”

“Yes, I know.” He exhales. “But we need to set some ground rules. Before I listen, I need you to promise that, whatever my ultimate opinions on that demo might be, you’re going to react calmly and with maturity.”

I roll my eyes. “Remember that thing I said about you coming off as condescending at times? Yeah, well, this is one of those times.”

“It needs to be said, Georgie. This is business for me. Nothing personal whatsoever. I want you to promise you won’t react emotionally if things don’t go as you’re hoping. Whatever happens, I don’t want this demo to get in the way of us having a great time tonight and during this entire week.”

“I’m an adult, Reed. Of course, I know this is business for you. Whatever happens, I’ll handle it calmly and in a mature fashion, and without letting my emotions run wild. Unless, of course, you fall head over heels for her, at which point I’m going to attack you with so much wild emotion, I might accidentally snuff the very life out of you. I apologize profusely in advance, if I wind up ending your life out of pure, unadulterated joy.” I giggle, but he remains steadfast and serious. Which makes my stomach somersault again. “Reed, all of this is a moot point. I’m positive you’re going to absolutely love what you hear. But, in the event you’re on the fence, I promise to hear you out and respect whatever you say, as long as you’re being honest with me.”

“Of course I’ll be honest. One hundred percent honest.”

My stomach seizes with nerves. All my bravado leaves me. Holy shit. This is it. I’m ninety-nine percent certain Reed will love Alessandra... but what if he doesn’t? I can’t fathom having to call Alessandra and tell her Reed finally listened... and wasn’t impressed. Making that call would break my heart. But there’s no going back now.

“I’m ready,” I say. “Go ahead.”

Nodding, Reed pushes the flash drive into the side of his laptop. And a moment later, there she is. Alessandra. In a video. Sitting in a small studio, strumming her guitar, and singing from the depths of her soul.

I hold my breath. Wring my hands. And watch Reed as he watches Alessandra’s video. I think I’m pretty good at reading him, but he’s completely unreadable to me now. Indeed, just this fast, he’s flipped into full-throttle business mode, despite the fact that we’re lying together, almost naked, on top of his bed. Indeed, just this fast, we might as well be sitting across from each other at his desk at River Records.

I peek at the counter at the bottom of the video and my spirit cautiously surges. Reed’s now watched Alessandra’s video a solid forty seconds longer than he listened to Bryce’s sister! That’s got to be a good sign, right? But I’ve no sooner made that observation than Reed pauses the video.

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