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Echo (The Soul Seekers 2)

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There’s a story there.

One that probably has nothing to do with me—one that’s no doubt none of my business. And yet I still need to hear it, so I can try to make sense of the strange way I’m feeling.

So I can determine if there truly is something odd about Phyre—or if I’m just acting petty and feel threatened by the arrival of a girl who just so happens to be unbelievably pretty. One who may or may not share a past with my boyfriend.

Am I just pulling a Lita?

Or is there something substantial to worry about?

Having never been in this kind of situation before, it’s hard for me to read. Still, I’m really hoping the blame falls on Phyre—not me.

“You have nothing to worry about. Dace loves you and only you, you already know that.”

I look at Xotichl, seeing the veil of regret that crosses her face at revealing even that much. Knowing whatever she tells me only serves to add fuel to my fire—Phyre?—it’s now one and the same.

“Just tell me,” I plead. “What’s their connection? I mean, obviously they were together, but just how together?” I stare hard at Xotichl, remembering what Dace told me the other day at the not-so Enchanted Spring. How he’d only been with one other girl. And knowing deep down in my heart it was Phyre.

Xotichl sighs, toys with her bottle of water. “They both grew up on the reservation.”

“And—” I watch as she squirms, shifting uncomfortably on her seat. And while the sight of it makes me feel bad, that doesn’t stop me from pushing her further. “Look, I get it, okay? Everyone has a past. Heck

, practically the whole school knows about my Vane Wick flameout.”

“No, not practically. Everyone knows. Even the teachers were talking about it.”

She grins. I laugh. But then I’m right back at it again.

“There’s something different here. I get the feeling she’s not quite done with him—not quite … over him. Or am I being paranoid? Am I acting like some pathetically jealous girlfriend who freaks at every pretty girl who so much as looks at her boyfriend? Because if that’s the case, you need to tell me right now, so we can stage an intervention and find a quick way to eradicate it.”

“Look,” Xotichl says. “I’m not up on all the dirt, but yeah, I heard the rumors, and Lita pretty much confirmed they had a thing. And when she confronted Dace about it today at lunch, he didn’t exactly deny it. She really gave him hell about it too. Told him he better not mess with you, or he’d have to answer to her.”

We turn toward the stage where Lita stands to the side, ready to grab the mic the second Auden’s guitar solo ends.

“She’s a very strange but surprisingly loyal friend. I can never quite get a handle on her. Anyway, it was impressive stuff. It’s too bad you missed it.”

“So, then you’re saying it’s true. I am being a jealous freak.” I turn toward Xotichl and slouch on my stool. Wondering if there’s a quick fix for envy—maybe a spell or an herb I can take?

“No,” Xotichl says, voice lowered to a whisper. “I’m not saying that at all. There is something weird about her just showing up out of the blue. And so far, I can’t quite get a grip on her energy. But I will, just give me time. Though as far as Dace is concerned, you have nothing to worry about. Or, should I say, nothing but Cade, anyway.”

Oh yeah. Him. As awful as it felt to be mired in my pathetic pool of jealousy, it did provide a nice respite from obsessing over a much bigger threat that looms large before me.

“Think he’ll show up for the gift exchange?”

The question wasn’t meant to be serious. It’s just something I said to lighten the mood. Though before Xotichl can reply, we’re interrupted by Lita wrangling control of the mic.

She stands before us, her Santa hat tipped low over one eye, giving an extra edge to her sexy Mrs. Claus look. Roaming the length of the stage, allowing everyone an equal view. “I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to come to my Annual Rabbit Hole Christmas Party!” She pauses in a way that prompts the audience to whistle and cheer, shushing them when she deems it’s gone on long enough. “There’s a lot of new faces out there, and I know how excited you must be to finally be included. Just think of it as my little gift to you!” She pauses again, and when the cheers are a little more subdued than the last time, she places a hand on her hip and frowns until they kick it up enough to prompt her to proceed. “And speaking of gifts, for all of you Secret Santas out there, it’s time for the gift exchange—so, no need to delay, you know the drill—let the wrapping paper fly!”

She passes the mic back to Auden and exits the stage, as Epitaph breaks into a chorus of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” that sounds a lot like the Weezer version Jennika has on her iPod.

“So—how’d I do?” Lita stands before us all breathless and pretty as she readjusts her hat.

“Great!” I say.

“Excellent!” Xotichl confirms.

But Lita just chews on her lip, unconvinced.

“You know, I really thought he’d show.” She crosses her arms over her chest, as she does a quick scan of the club. Responding to the questioning look on my face, she says, “Cade. I’m talking about Cade. He’s gone completely MIA.”

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