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Savoring Mila (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 3)

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Anya glanced down at Sofia, then to where Theo was mopping up Tavia’s tears with a napkin. Releasing a heavy exhale, Anya shrugged. “Yes, I am definitely going to let her say all she wants about Sofia. Because she’s right. The last few weeks as we’ve planned for this wedding, I’ve started seeing a side of Sofia that, quite frankly, makes her look ugly. And I’ve watched you allow it to happen time and time again.”

“I don’t,” Victoria denied, then bit her lip. “Do I?”

“We both do,” her husband spoke up, and Adrian Volkov put his hand on his wife’s back. “We’ve let her grow wild, kotyonok. We have spoiled her, and that’s not a bad thing. But she has become entitled, thinking the world owes her something. We’ve never made her take responsibility. She’s never had to work for anything, and now she’s becoming someone I’ve found I can barely tolerate at times.” He looked down at his daughter, anger and disappointment glittering in his eyes. “I love you more than life, Sofia. You have been one of my greatest joys, and I will love and protect you until my last breath. But as of right now, you will learn that the world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Her bottom lip pouted out. “Daddy—”

“No,” he boomed, cutting her off. Her mouth snapped shut, but she crossed her arms over her chest and slouched down in her chair, acting just like the spoiled little girl she was. Adrian turned to his son and new daughter-in-law. “Tavia, I sincerely apologize for allowing Sofia to ruin your day. I know an apology doesn’t make up for anything, but know that I will never allow her to speak to you the way she has ever again.”

Theo stroked his hand over Tavia’s hair, quietly speaking to her so no one else could hear. But Tavia lifted her head and then stood. Giving her father-in-law a small, trembling smile, she cleared her throat. “I need a thicker skin when it comes to Sofia,” she said to try to excuse.

“No, sweetheart,” Victoria told her, her shoulders drooping. “She is being a catty little bitch. I’m so sorry, Tavia.”

“I have a solution.” My aunt spoke up again, her anger not having lessened in the least. “Neither of you seems to be able to handle the girl. Let me have her for the summer. I’ll put her to work, teach her some responsibility and much-needed manners, and send her back to you when it’s time for Nova and Garret to return home.”

“What?” Sofia shrieked. “No way. I’m not going to some backwater hellhole where everyone is inbred.”

Oh, the bitch was going to get it for sure now. I scooted back my chair, getting to my feet at the same time River did. Aunt Raven shot us both a look that had us pausing, however. A look that told us to not take another step or Sofia wouldn’t be the only one facing her wrath.

For half a second, I debated defying her, but common sense prevailed. Thankfully.

“Sofia!” Anya’s voice lashed across her niece, making her face pale, and she flinched back from her aunt. But she only cowed for a moment before she stiffened her spine and met Anya’s gaze head on. She had balls, I would give her that. But apparently Sofia was an idiot as well as a royal bitch. It wasn’t exactly a secret that Anya had once been an assassin—and quite possibly still was. “You will apologize. Now.”

“No! I’m not going anywhere with these hick bikers, and you can’t make me.”

All it took was for Anya to move closer to the girl, and Sofia was suddenly lowering her gaze, her lips sealing closed, but she stood there pouting nonetheless.

“Raven,” Victoria said, her entire body vibrating with anger, but it was no longer directed at my aunt. “I would be very grateful if you would take my ungrateful child home with you for the summer. Put her to work.”

“Mom!” Sofia cried. “You can’t do this.”

“She will spend the summer living on what she earns. No credit cards. No allowance,” her mom continued. “And you may handle her however you deem necessary.”

“That’s insane,” Sofia argued, angry tears filling her eyes. “You can’t possibly think I will put up with this.”

“We can, and you will,” Adrian told her.

“No!” she screamed. “I won’t. You can’t make me.”

“Watch us,” Victoria gritted out, seething now. “I suggest you go home, change, and pack a bag. Because you will be on that plane with them tonight. You will listen to everything Raven tells you, and you will. Be. Respectful. Because if you don’t—” She broke off, seemingly unable to finish the threat.

“If you don’t…” Her husband picked up where she couldn’t. “You will be completely cut off.”

“Just because I was snippy with Tavia?”

“Because you’re an ungrateful, entitled little brat,” Victoria countered. “I’ve overlooked so much bad behavior, Sofia. Mostly because I was no angel myself at your age. But your actions lately show me you have turned into a selfish, unfeeling stranger. I don’t recognize the person you’ve become, and I can only blame myself for allowing it.”

While they continued to argue, I sat back down at the table with my siblings and River.

“Well,” River muttered unhappily as she picked up her water glass, no doubt wishing it were something a hell of a lot stronger. I knew I sure as fuck was. I left Lyric’s bed for this shitshow? I could have been cuddled up beside him at that moment, warm and content, and savoring every second just being with him until I had to get on the Vitucci jet. “This should be a fun summer with her royal highness running around town.”

Ah hell. There wasn’t enough Spirytus in the world to prepare me for a summer with Sofia Volkov.

Chapter 9


If I thought the blowup with Sofia was a

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