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Savoring Mila (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 3)

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Amusement made his eyes light up. “That was better than you hoped?”

“You didn’t get cut, and no bullets entered your delicious body. I call that a win.” I started tugging at the hem of his shirt. “Tomorrow, however, is another story. Let’s make the most of today.”

Chapter 17


I knew it was coming. Knew before I even opened my eyes the next morning that I was about to be swarmed, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I was just hoping to prepare Mila a little more before that happened. Instead, she kept me busy all night with my cock in her, and neither one of us thought much about what the morning would bring.

Now, I was looking at my parents and Aunt Emmie through sleep-deprived eyes as they stood on my front steps, expecting to meet the girl who was now one of their own.

“Why is your phone off?” Mom demanded, hands on her hips as she glared up at me. “I’ve been texting and trying to call you all night, young man.”

“I was busy, Mom,” I told her, scrubbing my hands over my stubbled jaw. “Mila wasn’t feeling well last night. I had to take care of her.”

Dad’s knowing eyes took in my hastily pulled on basketball shorts, bare chest, and unkempt hair. “Right,” he said with a smirk. “I bet you took care of her all night long, dude.”

“Jesse,” Mom scolded. “That’s our future daughter-in-law.”

The smirk dropped off Dad’s face in a flash. “Right. Where is she? We got shit to plan, boy. Let us in so your mom and Emmie can get started.”

I held up my hands, blocking the three of them from entering. “First, let’s set some ground rules. Mila is having some major low blood pressure issues. You are not going to overtire her. If I see she’s having problems, the three of you are going back to Malibu until she has the babies.”

“Babies!” Mom and Aunt Emmie screamed, practically bouncing up and down. “So, it really is twins?”

“Yes, Mom.” I continued to stand in their way when they tried to barge in. “And this wedding…it better not be some circus show like you tried to do with Lucy. I remember how miserable she was back then, and I’ll ban you all from coming near Mila if you stress her out. Even if it’s just a little. I will personally drive your asses to the airport and toss you on the plane if you pull any of that shit.”

Mom’s face turned contrite. “I promise on all that I love, I will not stress your Mila out, Ric. This is her wedding, and I only want to make it as perfect for her as she will allow me.”


I turned at Mila’s screech and swallowed my groan. Fuck, of course, I’d forgotten to propose. I’d meant to ask her the night before, but she’d kept me otherwise occupied.

Seeing her wide eyes and pale face, I slammed the door in my parents’ faces and dropped to my knees in front of her. “Baby, don’t freak out,” I begged, clasping her hands in both of mine. “I know this is moving fast—”

“What fucking wedding, Lyric?” she demanded, her gray eyes turning wild.

“Ours. If you’ll have me, babe.” Her mouth fell open. “I love you, Mila. I was miserable all damn summer without you. Please, baby. Please don’t ever make me have to live without you again.”

“But… We don’t even know each other.” Her chin started to tremble.

“We know all the important things, and that’s all that matters.” Wrapping my arms around her slender waist, I pressed a kiss to her stomach through the T-shirt she’d pulled on. One of my shirts that fell to her knees, she was so tiny. I liked her wearing my clothes, but she didn’t have a bra on, and my parents were only a door away. “I love you, and even though you haven’t said it yet, I know you love me too.”

“I-I do,” she whispered, a tear spilling over her thick lashes and falling down her cheek. It dripped onto my chest, burning my flesh like acid. I hated when she cried.

She scrubbed her hand over the damp trail the tear had left. “Fuck. I am not a crier,” she muttered. “But it seems I can’t control my emotions lately.”

“It’s the babies!” Mom called through the door. “It doesn’t get any better, trust me.”

“Mom, I’m kind of in the middle of something,” I yelled.

“Right. Sorry. Carry on.” A pause. Then, “Does he even have a ring?”

A laugh escaped Mila. “Well, do you?” she demanded.

“I don’t,” I told her with a grimace. “But only because I wanted us to pick them out together.”

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