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Tainted Kiss (Tainted Knights 1)

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“You know what? I’m done. Wade told me tonight that I have to choose: you or him. So, I’m done, Santana. You’re on your own. I want you to move out.”

Move out? She wanted me to go? After taking care of her for fucking years, she wanted me to move out of our home?

Although I had made the decision already to do just that, her words cut me deeply. She knew I had been on my own practically all my life. That it was the one thing I feared more than anything else on the planet. Loneliness was one of the most heartbreaking things to ever experience, and I had lived with it for most of my life. She and her family had taken me in, saved me from that life of loneliness. Yet, there she was, picking her bastard boyfriend over me, her best friend, the girl who had been taking up for her, who had taken care of her since high school.

Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let her hear them in my voice.

“If that’s what you really want, then I’ll get my things tomorrow.” I couldn’t keep my voice steady for much longer. “Good-bye, Sage.”

I hit end and just stood there. Unable to hold the tears back a second longer, I let them fall. I had only been ready to move out, not end our friendship.

She picked him over me.

I felt like I had just lost my family all over again. First my dad, and now Sage.

The pain went soul deep, and I was helpless to hold back the sob that burst free. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I bent in half from the pain.


I couldn’t lift my head, couldn’t bring myself to look at whoever was speaking to me. Soft hands touched my arms, guiding me forward. I was pushed down onto a soft sofa, and then she was sitting beside me, her arms going around me, trying to offer me comfort. I kept my head turned away, not wanting whoever it was to see my pain.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” I recognized the voice now. Kassa. “Did something happen?”

I swallowed another sob and shook my head.

“What’s going on?” A new voice that was familiar to me asked. Kin.

“I d

on’t know. I came in and found her like this,” Kassa told her. “Do you think we should get Kale? She’s really upset.”

At the mention of his name, I finally turned to face her. “N-no. Not Kale.” I couldn’t think about him right now, let alone deal with him. “I … I’m fine. I just …” Another sob escaped me as the realization that I had lost Sage hit me right in the chest all over again. “I’ll be okay.”

Kin crouched down in front of me, her blue eyes full of concern and kindness. “Babe, you’re not okay. I know all about pain, and from the sound of those sobs, yours goes soul deep right now. You don’t have to tell us about it; we won’t make you. We just want to help.”

“My …” I swallowed hard and tried to get control of myself. “My roommate wants me out of our apartment. Kale did something, and now her boyfriend made her choose between him or me …” Fuck, it was like a stab right to the heart. I closed my eyes. “She picked him.”

Kassa’s arms tightened around me. “I’m so sorry.”

The door opened behind Kin as more females went in and out. Through my tears, I saw them shooting us curious looks, but I couldn’t find it in me to care if they saw me having an emotional meltdown or not. The door opened again, and Lucy walk in with Jenna and Angie.

“You guys get lost?” Lucy teased, then stopped when she spotted us. “What’s wrong?”

“Her roommate is a total bitch,” Kin told her friend. “Kicked her out because of her boyfriend.”

“That little cunt monkey,” Angie exclaimed as she came over and put an arm around my shoulders. “Well, you don’t worry, sugar. We’ll take good care of you.”

Jenna and Lucy crossed toward us, both nodding.

“My offer is still open, Santana. I have that huge room going to waste back at my place. You’re more than welcome to it,” Jenna assured me.

“You’re one of ours now, babe. We got your back,” Lucy vowed.

These girls barely knew me, yet there they were, offering me a place to stay. It was more than that, though. They were giving me the one thing I had been afraid I had lost. Friends. Maybe a family.

More tears filled my eyes, and I bent in half, pressing my forehead to my knees as the tears refused to stop.


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