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Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4)

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My entire body suddenly felt like it was alive with fire, every cell its own inferno. Wetness gathered at my entrance, soaking into my panties. I clutched at his shoulders, kissing him harder, rubbing my core against him.

Sin’s hand slid from my waist to my hips, pressing me down into him as I rocked against him, his fingers flexing on me. It felt so good—I felt so good—I didn’t ever want to stop kissing him…

The sudden pounding on his front door had my head jerking up, both of us panting heavily. Startled, I looked at the door

, my heart beating erratically.

“Get lost!” he bellowed at the door, his hands tangling in my hair and urging my head back down to meet his next kiss.

“Open this damn door, or I’m going to set it on fire!” Aubree yelled, beating on the door again.

Hearing her voice pulled me out of the daze I’d fallen into from his kiss. My body instantly began to cool, but the ache in my center remained, still pulsing with need for Sin.

As he groaned, Sin’s head fell back against the couch. I scrambled to get up, and he didn’t try to stop me. On my feet, I hurried unsteadily to the door, knowing Aubree wasn’t making an empty threat. I was still gasping for breath when I opened the door.

Aubree, London, and Genesis all stood on the other side. Genesis was no longer stumbling drunk, and they all wore fierce expressions. Their eyes raked over me from head to toe, looking for any obvious signs that I was hurt, lingering on my face for a few extra seconds. I touched my kiss-swollen mouth, feeling a zing of pleasure at the memory of just how much I liked kissing Sin, my cheeks filling with a burning blush.

Aubree’s gaze went over my shoulder seconds before I felt Sin’s heat at my back. His hand caught my hip possessively, and he pressed his hardness into my back.

“Let’s go,” Aubree ordered, reaching for my hand.

“Don’t go,” Sin urged quietly, his lips touching the back of my head. “Stay and talk to me.”

Talking was the last thing I wanted to do with him right then. All I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him again and grind against his lap. My core clenched in anticipation of doing just that, and I had to squeeze my thighs together tightly to ease the suddenly throb pulsing deep inside.

But as much as I wanted to do exactly that, the intensity of just how badly I wanted him scared the hell out of me.

I stepped away from him and across the threshold, walking out of the apartment and into the waiting arms of my soul sisters. Genesis’s and London’s arms both enfolded me into the group.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ro,” Sin said from behind me.

Excitement and fear filled me equally, and I shivered.

“Leave her alone, asshole,” Aubree told him. “If she wants to talk to you, she will call you. If she doesn’t, then stay the fuck away from her.”

“I won’t give up, Ro,” he said, speaking only to me and ignoring the little spitfire who stood between us.

I hoped he wouldn’t.

Chapter 15


“Why are we here again?” Kin grumbled from beside me in the elevator.

“Because you keep bitching about how much you want to get Roanna to sing that new song you wrote, and I fucking need a way to see her that won’t get the door slammed in my face,” I told her for the fifth time, wishing she would just stop her bitching and be quiet.

Using Kin to get what I wanted was a last resort, but Roanna wasn’t answering my calls and was ignoring my texts. When I showed up the day before, no one would answer the door, even though the car they shared was still in the parking lot. Remembering how Kin had been raving on and on about her new song, but that it needed a female voice rather than a male, I jumped headfirst into the excuse to get us both what we wanted.

“It’s not like you had shit to do anyway.”

She glared at me as the elevator slowed down for our stop. “No, of course, I didn’t. It’s not like I have school or I’m helping my best friend plan her wedding or anything.”

“Another thing you keep bitching about. If you don’t want to help her, just tell her.”

The elevator doors opened, and I stepped off, with her following at a slower pace. “I want to help her. I can just tell she isn’t happy right now. She… Why the hell am I explaining myself to you? It has nothing to do with you, and you probably don’t even give a shit about it anyway.”

“You would be right,” I said with a nod before knocking on Roanna’s door.

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