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Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4)

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Turning at the warning in Roanna’s voice, I caught the third guy’s fist as it came at my face, and I twisted his arm behind his back. Grabbing his product-filled hair, I snapped his head back. “You touch her again, and I’ll fucking break your neck.” I pushed him against the wall. He didn’t have time to catch himself, and his face hit the wall, hard.

Several people gasped as he fell back, blood pouring from the gash on the bridge of his nose. He stumbled, tripping over his friend on the floor just as security appeared.

I pulled Roanna into my arms, running my eyes over her to look for any visible signs she was hurt. Her face was pale, her entire body shaking. Around us, people were recording us, snapping pictures with their phones. They hadn’t bothered to help Roanna when she needed it, but they’d probably videoed the whole damn thing.

“Sir, you’re going to have to come with us,” one of the guards said.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and hit a number. It rang twice before her voice filled my ear. “What do you need, Sin?”

“Just wanted to let you know I’m probably going to be on TMZ in about twenty minutes,” I informed her.

“Do I want to know why?” Emmie asked after a heavy sigh.

“I might get arrested.”

“That doesn’t explain the ‘why,’ dude.”

“I just kicked three guys’ asses. They were harassing Ro. They’re lucky they aren’t dead.”

There was a short pause on her end before her voice was in my ear again. “Tell me where you are. I’ll be there within the hour. Lucky for you, I’m still in the city with my husband.”

I told her the name of the cinema where we were just as two of the

security guards put their hands on my shoulders. I shrugged them off, kissed the top of Roanna’s head, and released her long enough to pull my jacket off again and wrap it around her shoulders. Taking her hand, I gestured to the guard who appeared to be in charge.

“Lead the way,” I told him.

Chapter 18


The cops came. An ambulance was called. One of the guys needed stitches; the gash on his nose was deep and hadn’t stopped bleeding.

I sat in a chair in the cinema’s security office, a cup of tea loaded with sugar in my hands, warming my numb fingers. Sin stood behind me. Not speaking. Staring through the cops as Emmie ripped everyone in the room a new asshole.

The security footage had already been played, showing the three guys harassing me—touching me. Showing Sin beating all three of them up like it was nothing. And then when they were no longer a threat, his arms holding me against him so tenderly it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

“Miss,” one of the uniformed cops asked quietly now.

“Ro,” Sin said close to my ear. “He’s talking to you.”

“Do you want to press charges against these three?”

I didn’t even look at the three guys in cuffs sitting on the floor against the wall. One would have to go to the hospital for the stitches. Another had a bruise on his jaw. The entire room smelled of the vomit still on the other guy’s shoes and clothes.

Sin did all that. He took on all three of them.

He saved me.


“I…I don’t know,” I told the man. “Would it even matter if I did?”

“We can arrest them for assault since it clearly shows that they put their hands on you, but…”

“But they’ll be out by the end of the night, and it really won’t make a difference,” I finished for him.

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