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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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It was only as the waiter placed our food in front of us that Aunt Emmie got down to business. “I have a number that I would like to throw at Petrova. It’s on the high side to give us room to negotiate for the number I think would make us all happy in the long run.”

“Why does it have to be Petrova?” I demanded suddenly, my voice snappy.

The two women shared a look I chose to ignore because I didn’t want to see their mom-minds working overtime.

Aunt Emmie’s fork landed on her plate with a loud clatter, and she grabbed both my hands across the table. “Kin, why are you so against Petrova?”

“I don’t even know, okay?” I swallowed roughly and met her gaze. “I’ve only ever met him the one time when Jace introduced us the night TK got signed. He… I guess he made me feel insignificant. Like he thought I was just Jace’s arm candy or something.”

Big green eyes narrowed. “Did he do or say anything to you?”

“No,” I said with a shake of my head. “I felt overlooked, I guess. Replaceable.”

“That is typical Petrova,” Annabelle told me, her voice sensible. “He’s a misogynist. The only woman he even considers on his same level is Emmie, and I’m pretty sure that’s because he’s scared shitless of Jesse and Nik. But the bastard knows talent when he hears it, and he knows you’re dripping in it. Not only do you have a sound—and an e

ntire brand that could sell millions of albums—you also have a gift for writing songs that has already gotten Petrova Records artists on the charts for consecutive weeks. You have at least five different songs on the radio daily. That’s huge, and he’s not going to let you slip through his fingers.”

I felt myself start to glow under her praise. I knew it was her job to reassure me as her client, to stroke my ego and get me to do what she wanted, but nothing she just said was untrue. I knew my talent, knew my worth.

And I never should have let one old man make me feel like I wasn’t good enough to be with Jace.

Even if he had been right.

Fuck no. I wasn’t going to think about that.

“Let’s hear the numbers,” I finally told Aunt Emmie, giving in.

For the next half hour, we talked shop, and I had to admit I was happy with the starting number she was going to toss at the record execs. Hell, I was happy with the number she was really aiming for if they turned down the original one.

The only issue I had with any of it was touring.

“I can pull you together a band,” Aunt Emmie assured me. “One that will grab enough attention that they will draw fans out to see them and, in the process, pull the attention to you once they hear you. Or I can arrange for local bands in each city to have the chance to come out and get a little exposure for themselves by performing with you.”

“A new band every city?” That just made me more nervous. I would have to depend on new people every single time I got on a stage.

“It’s just a possibility I’m throwing out there,” she said with a smile that said I could trust her. “Whatever you are most comfortable with, I’ll make it happen.”

“Yeah,” I muttered, my voice weak.

“What if the band was made up of people you’re already comfortable with?” Annabelle tossed out the idea. “Between Demon’s Wings and OtherWorld, we could mix and match a few of them for a week or two until you’re more comfortable with bigger crowds. Shane would be willing to help, I’m sure, and I can get Z to fly out for a few concerts. Wroth can make an appearance or two as well. Maybe Liam. I’ve been promising the Blondes that Gabriella would do a live performance with them for a while now. That would work out for all of you.”

I bit my lip, giving the idea some consideration. Singing onstage with guys who were like family to me? It might help with my stage fright a little. Shane knew how to put me at ease, as would the others. “Would they be up to helping me?” I asked, unsure. They were all busy men. They had families that needed them, and they rarely toured anymore.

“Are you kidding me?” Aunt Emmie sighed, her green eyes running over me. “They would be happy to help. You’re family, Kin. We might not have loved you as long as we have Lucy, but we do love you like one of our own.”

“I’ll just have to find a drummer for a few concerts,” Annabelle said, already making plans. “Neither Dev nor Jesse are going to want to go far from home with the new grandbaby. Hell, you would think they were new daddies.”

“Let’s say two, three weeks tops with the legends,” Aunt Emmie told her, punching all the ideas into her phone. “I’ll find you a full-time band for after that. By then, I know you won’t be as nervous. You’ll be a pro, sweetheart.”

The waiter cleared away our plates before pouring us coffees. Aunt Emmie’s phone rang, and she quickly excused herself after shooting me a look out of the corner of her eye. I shrugged it off, figuring it had to do with Petrova.

Annabelle lifted her coffee to her lips, her eyes examining me over the top of her cup.

“What?” I asked with a laugh. “Did I get dressing on my face again?”

“No, you’re fine. I’m just concerned for you.”

I was touched she cared enough about me to be concerned. “I’ll be fine, Annabelle. I’m not the first woman to have a broken heart.”

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