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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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“We only have the one extra bedroom, Kas,” I reminded her. “One for now is enough until you two find a house.”

“We’ve been looking,” Gray said. “Just not where you would think we should be looking.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I demanded. “I know you two enjoyed your time in Paris, but you’re not moving there.”

“Of course not!” Kassa exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “Actually…” I lifted my brows at her when she paused. “We’ve been talking to realtors in Bristol, Jace,” she finally mumbled.

Relief hit me like a wrecking ball to the gut, and I let go of the breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding. “I saw a few For Sale signs up a few blocks from Alicia’s,” I told her, and my sister’s face brightened. “How many bedrooms were you thinking?”

“Oh, well, we want at least three for now. More, if possible.” She jumped up, wrapping her arms around me for a tight squeeze. “You’re not upset?”

“Why would I be?” I asked, perplexed. “Bristol is home.”

“But I’ll be moving away from you,” she explained.

“We will see plenty of each other, though. The band will be touring a lot in the next few years. We’ll be on the road together more often than not.” And it would make me feel better if at least one of us were closer to Alicia. I kept my mouth shut about her illness, but it was eating away at me. I wanted to tell them about it so damn bad, but I’d promised Alicia, and I wouldn’t break my word. Not yet, anyway.

“You’re the best big brother ever,” she said with a little crack in her voice, and my guilt over keeping Alicia’s secret only mounted.

“Kin in our room?” I asked, changing the subject.

“She’s not with you?” Gray asked, and I shook my head. “We dropped her off at her place after the doctor. I figured she would come back with you since her Rover is in the garage downstairs.”

“Why didn’t she tell me?” I muttered, pulling my phone out to check to see if I’d missed a call or text from her. Dropping the untouched beer into the sink, I called her as I headed for the door. “I’m going to get her,” I called back to them as I waited for Kin to pick up.

“Be careful. Love you,” Kassa yelled as the kitchen door closed behind me.

My call was still unanswered when I reached the elevators. Finally, it went to voice mail, and I called her back. Still no answer.

Everything okay? I texted as I got into my car. I’m on my way to get you.

A reply came in before I even reached the garage exit.

Don’t come over. Just going to spend the night here. I have a headache.

Warning bells starting going off in my head. Something was wrong. I didn’t know what, but there was no way in hell I was going to let her sleep away from me. We hadn’t been apart for a single night since we’d gotten back together. I didn’t know what was wrong with her, but I wasn’t going to let her put up walls between us.

When I knocked on her apartment door, there was no answer. Amara and Riley had been at First Bass while I was there. Cash joined them before I left, letting me know he was all packed and ready to go for the tour.

Pounding on the door with one fist, I pressed down on the doorbell with the other. It would annoy the hell out of Kin, and she wouldn’t have any choice but to answer the door. A full minute passed, and I was beginning to sweat when the door swung inward.

“Baby…” I began and stopped when I got a good look at her face.

Tears streaked her cheeks. Her nose was bright red, and her eyes were so bloodshot, there was barely any white visible. She was dressed in pajamas and a thick cardigan like she was freezing.

“I told you not to come,” she muttered, her voice breaking.

I pulled her into my arms. “What’s wrong?”

She stood stiffly in my arms. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Walking her into the apartment, I closed the door and then urged her over to the couch. I sat and tugged her down onto my lap. “Did something happen with your dad? I thought you two were trying to have a relationship now.”

“Haven’t talked to Scott,” she mumbled.

“Then why have you been crying?” I demanded, my heart shuddering in my chest. She looked like she’d been crying for hours, yet she hadn’t called me all day. What had I missed? What the fuck had I done this time to make her cry? When she remained silent, I cupped her face, trying to get her to meet my eyes. “Baby, talk to me.”

“It’s nothing,” she said, pulling away. “I’m just nervous about the first concert.”

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