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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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“I can get this one here tomorrow, and we can save it for when you’re nine weeks,” he said as he used his thumb to flip through his phone. “That way we have it on the tour with us.”

“Whatever you want, babe.”

He finished checking out then jumped to his knees. Tossing his phone aside, he leaned over me, kissing me softly. “I’m really happy, Kin. I don’t know what to do with all this happiness.” His lips trailed to my jaw and then down my neck. Every part of me that had been soft just moments ago grew tight with arousal, and I began to squirm. “What should I do to keep myself from exploding with it right now, baby?”

My breath caught when he cupped my pussy through my jeans. “I’m all for what you’re doing right now,” I said with a moan as his thumb pressed down on my clit.

He grinned against my flesh. “Yeah? Only this?” His lips pressed into my left ear. “Or do you want more?”

“I want everything you have to give,” I whimpered.

His head snapped up, the smile gone, the passion banked. “Is it safe? Will we hurt our sweet pea if we have sex?”

I wrapped my legs around his waist and twisted until he was on his back and I was the one leaning over him. “Jace, you are so freaking adorable right now, it’s killing me. Yes, it’s safe. No, the baby won’t be hurt. Lucy and Harris had sex all the time while she was pregnant.”

Pink filled his cheeks. “I don’t want that picture in my head. Lucy’s like a sister to me.”

Laughing, I leaned back so I could pull my shirt off and unclasp my bra. “She’s hot, though. It’s okay that you liked what you saw when you caught them having sex. I would totally fuck her.”

We both knew I was only teasing him, but the way his cock jerked against the inside of my thigh through our jeans told me he was picturing it.

“You’re evil, you know that?” He groaned when I rocked against him. “Putting that sh—crap in my head.”

“Why are you censoring yourself?” I giggled.

“The baby has ears. Our sweet pea can’t hear that kind of filth.”

“Aw, babe, you’re so damn cute.”

His hand slapped against my ass. “Don’t cuss around the baby.”

“But I like seeing you get so overprotective,” I goaded, a smirk on my lips. “Are you going to be worse if we have a girl?”

“You’re really killing the mood right now, woman. You want me to make you feel good, or you want to make me crazy thinking about all the little dickheads I’m going to have to murder when they see how beautiful our little girl will be?”

My pussy tightened, but my heart was melting into a puddle of goo in the middle of my chest. “Thank you,” I whispered.

His hands caught my hips, holding me in place. “For?”

“For making everything okay again.” I leaned down to brush my lips over his and stayed there, just holding on to him. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, Kin.” His arms folded around me, his lips touching the top of my head. “You’re my everything, you know that, right?”

I closed my eyes. My body was still amped up, but right then, I needed this more. “I do now.”

Chapter 32


My palms were sweating as I stood backstage with the legends who were supposed to make this first concert easier for me.

So far, it wasn’t working. I wasn’t calm. I didn’t feel at ease. All I felt like doing was hurling at Shane’s and Wroth’s feet. The little sweet pea was not liking the way my heart was pounding, disrupting its slumber. I tried taking deep breaths, but that didn’t do very much to help ease the roiling in my stomach.

It was the first stop on the winter tour. The arena was sold out, but I wasn’t expecting all the seats to be filled just for my opening act.

I should have, though. With the mix-and-match band of legends backing me up, I really should have expected people to be breaking down the doors to get the chance to see members of both Demon’s Wings and OtherWorld live for the first time in years.

Shane patted me on the back. “You’re going to do great. Just keep breathing. Your music is amazing, but no one expects you to achieve perfection your first time onstage with twenty thousand people watching.”

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