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Daddy's Lost Love (Montana Daddies 4)

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“What? That’s not fair.”

“That makes fifteen with my hand and nine with the paddle.”

“Nooo,” she whined. “Can’t I just do corner time for nine minutes?”

He snorted. “Like you could last nine minutes in the corner.”

Yeah. He probably wasn’t wrong about that.

Well, shit.

He patted his lap. “Let’s get your punishment over with, sugar.”

She climbed onto the sofa reluctantly then lay herself out over his lap. Her legs rested on one side of him, her body on the other and he made short work of drawing up her nightie.

He rubbed her bottom gently. Then smack! She jumped with a startled cry. He kept spanking her, though. “I’m sorry I haven’t been giving you what you needed, sugar.” Smack! Smack! Smack! “Been too busy in my own head.” Smack! Smack! “Not ac

ceptable.” Smack! Smack! “So from now on, you can expect me to be paying very close attention.”

He stopped the hand spanking and rubbed her bottom gently for a moment as she sobbed. Her bottom throbbed but it wasn’t too bad. Still, she was starting to wonder why she’d said anything to Molly in the first place.

“Now, comes Daisy’s naughty girl paddle. Want me to hold your hands? I don’t want you reaching back and getting hurt.”

She didn’t point out the obvious. But she guessed she didn’t want her hands hurting as well as her poor butt.

“Yes, please.” She reached back and he held onto her wrists, pressing them gently into the small of her back.

“Remember your safe word?”

“Yes. It’s fruit.”

“First time using this paddle, isn’t it, baby? I’m sure it won’t be the last.” With those ominous words, he smacked the paddle onto her ass.

She screeched.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. That stung!

Another smack before she even managed to process the first one landing.

“Daddy, no!” she screamed, reaching back with her hands, unable to help herself. Her legs kicked as it landed again, twice, leaving fire in its wake.

Tears dripped down her cheeks now. Her poor ass throbbed. She couldn’t take it.

Twice more. She wriggled, desperate to escape.

“Easy. Easy, sugar. Take a minute. Process. You need to use your safe word, baby girl?”

His voice wasn’t impatient. It wasn’t tinged with temper. Instead, it was low, soft and it brought her back to herself. She took stock. Yeah, her ass hurt. Yeah, she didn’t want more. But this is what she had asked for. Even needed.

Already a weight was lifting off her. The tears easing the way for more to follow that cleansed.

“I’m all right, Daddy.”

“My brave sugar. Three more.”

These landed rapidly, barely giving her a chance to breathe and then she found herself moving. He lay down with her spread on top of him. Her nightie over her bare ass as she cried some more cleansing tears.

“That’s it, baby. Let it all out. My girl. My good girl.”

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