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Warrior Daddy (Montana Daddies 6)

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But all that served to do was increase her impatience to get out of there. She wanted to see Penny. Macca wasn’t saying much, but she could tell from the way his shoulders seemed to slump further each day that things weren’t great.

She grew more short-tempered as each day passed and the doctor refused to discharge her.

Well, the doctor wasn’t around now and neither was Macca. She was going to go for a walk. By herself. It was ridiculous. She felt so much better. If the doctor didn’t let her leave soon, she was going to discharge herself.

“That will go down well, Gigi,” she muttered to herself.

Macca wasn’t shy about letting her know what he thought. Or handing out the commands. She didn’t even think he realized it when he went into daddy mode. But she was recognizing it more and more.

She’d managed to get onto the hospital’s Wi-Fi and buy some new eBooks. She’d had to stop herself from spending too much. She needed to be careful with her money.

What she’d read had turned her on so much, she’d had to fight the urge to touch herself. It wouldn’t do for a nurse to walk in while she was in the middle of pleasuring herself. She blushed at the thought. But boy, those books were hot. Especially the spanking scenes. Holy hell. CJ Bennett was her favorite author by far. The woman was a genius.

“Okay, Gigi. Chill. You’re getting a hot flush or something.” She walked slowly into the bathroom. Her ankle was barely sore anymore, having several days off it had really helped. She’d walked around the ward yesterday afternoon without any real problem, other than a little swelling in her ankle that night. She’d been certain to keep her foot hidden under her blankets so Macca’s eagle eyes wouldn’t spot anything.

She needed to build up her stamina and strength. Lying around all day was just making her lazy. So today she was going to push herself. She tamed her wild hair and decided that with the sweater on, her pajama bottoms could pass for shorts. Maybe.

Slowly, she stepped out of her room. No one was at the nurses’ station as she slipped past. She felt a small twinge of guilt. But what Macca didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. Or her, as the case might be. She entertained herself with thoughts of him putting her over his knee as she waited for the elevator.

She didn’t know why the idea of being spanked that turned her on. Especially after her childhood abuse. Did that make her extra weird? She rubbed at her head, annoyed to find a headache was developing.

She hadn’t had a headache since after that first day. Her rash was gone, thank God. She hated having people stare at her, she’d had enough of that growing up.

The weird, dirty, poor girl.

Stepping out of the elevator, she moved towards the gift shop. She was in the mood for something sweet. She’d had days of eating hospital food in the day and the healthy food that Macca brought her each night. She needed something to cheer herself up.

Looking around the small gift shop, she picked up a magazine and a chocolate bar. Her eye was caught by this really cute bunny in the corner. It had big loopy ears, and kind eyes. She ran her finger over it. So soft. She kept Kiki in her bag during the day, just bringing her out at night. She was still a little embarrassed that Macca had brought it for her.

She couldn’t afford to buy the bunny. She shouldn’t even be getting the chocolate and magazine. They were treats she didn’t often allow herself. Especially at the gift shop’s inflated prices.

She turned back towards the desk where an older woman with a kind smile sat. “Here, let me get you a bag for that, love.”

“Oh no, thanks. . .I. . .” Her voice trailed off as her headache grew worse. The room spun and sweat broke out across her brow. She was so hot.

“Are you okay? Love?”

The voice was coming from a distance away as the ground rushed up to meet her.

Shit. Macca would not be happy.

* * *

“I am not happy.”

Yep. Just as she’d thought. Macca was not impressed with her.

“I’m really sorry they bothered you,” she told him tiredly. Would he decide he didn’t want to deal with her anymore? What had she been thinking?

Selfish, Gigi. Really selfish.

“Do you really think that’s what I’m upset about?” He placed his hands on his hips.

Um, well. . .

“Gigi, you disobeyed the doctor’s orders! You left your room without telling anyone. You fainted. What if you’d hit your head? What if you’d passed out when there was no one around? You were just lucky the lady in the gift shop acted so quickly.”

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