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Warrior Daddy (Montana Daddies 6)

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“I need to take your temperature, baby girl.”


“Just lie here. I’ll be back in a minute.” He grabbed the rectal thermometer from the kitchen as he’d washed it as well. He also picked up a pacifier and some lube. Then, remembering they’d left her toys in the study, he walked in there and retrieved them.

He walked into the bedroom and handed his girl her two toys. She rubbed one of Bunnykins ears under her nose. He placed everything on the bedside table then held out the pacifier, pressing the tip of it against her mouth. “Try this, baby girl.”

She gave him a suspicious look but like with the bottle, she obediently opened her mouth and let him slip the pacifier in.

“I like you like this. So obedient. I could get used to it,” he teased.

“I’m always obedient, Daddy,” she muttered around the pacifier.

“Uh-huh, that’s why you have a number of punishments coming your way, is it?”

She just mumbled something he couldn’t make out.

“Let’s roll you onto your side so I can take your temperature.” He rolled her over and then arranged her legs so they were curled up into her chest.

She spat out the pacifier. “What are you doing, Daddy?”

“Put that pacifier back in, please. I’m taking your temperature.”

“Why do I gots to be in this position for you to stick the thermometer in my ear?”

“Because this thermometer doesn’t go in your ear. It goes in your bottom.”

“No way!” She tried to squirm away, but he was prepared for that. He took hold of her hip and held her down.

“I don’t want you to do that!”

“Well, I’m afraid you don’t have the choice. That’s the only sort of thermometer we have and Daddy is worried that you have a temperature. I don’t want you getting sick. Besides, this is how most Littles get their temperature taken. Now, Daddy is just going to put a little bit of lube into your bottom to help ease the way. Uh-uh, stay still please.”

“Don’t want my temperature taken this way.” She rolled onto her back and glared up at him.

“Stay in place, little girl.” He grasped hold of her hip to roll her back.

“No!” She smacked her legs up and down on the bed.

He gave her a firm look. “I’m giving you one more chance, because I know you’re not feeling well, to get into place and stay there like a good girl. You have until the count of three. One. . .two. . .three.”

He sighed when she didn’t move. Then he quickly flipped her onto her front and gave her five heavy smacks on her bottom. He didn’t want to give her a proper spanking, not with the day she’d had and not if she wasn’t feeling well. But he couldn’t wait until later to deliver this punishment. And he definitely couldn’t let her get away with that attitude. Especially as she was interfering with him looking after her health.

He moved her onto her side once more. “You going to stay in place, little one?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said in a slightly subdued voice, sniffling.

His heart broke a little, but he knew that he needed to remain firm. Her health came first.

He handed her back the pacifier and Bunnykins. She hugged the bunny tightly as she sucked fiercely on the pacifier. He got her back into the right position before raising his t-shirt up to bare her bottom. She made a small noise of protest but didn’t try to move away. That was progress.

He placed some lube on his finger before parting her bottom cheeks. Her pucke

red hole contracted then released.

“Easy, baby girl. No need to be nervous. Daddy will be very gentle.” He pressed his finger against her back hole. “Just relax and let me in.”

She let out a small, protesting noise.

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