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Golden Binds

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“Think that will make any difference to her?” Joe asked incredulously.

“She’s attracted to us. Well, to me. That could help.”

Joe didn’t think it was going to be enough.

“We’re going to have to prove we’re not jerks. We’ll have to win her over.”

Garret sighed. “It would be easier if we just kidnapped her and brought her back here. Keep her under lock and key.”

Joe gave him an incredulous look.

Garret raised his hands up in supplication. “Hey, I said it would be easier. I didn’t say I was going to do it. Sheesh. Don’t worry, I’ll get her back here. And it will be all her idea.”

“You really think you can charm her into coming back?”

“Of course I can. I haven’t met a woman yet who’s immune to my charms.”


She stumbled into her bedroom with Roger running along next to her. Tripping over her own feet, she tumbled to the floor, bashing her elbow when she hit.

“Ow. Shit. Shit. Shit.”

She rolled onto her back, just trying to breathe. Roger had led her through the tunnel until she’d reached a part she was familiar with. After that, she’d moved at a faster pace. The tunnel came out on the other side of the forest, near the city outskirts. From there she’d had to slip through the streets. Thankfully, it hadn’t been quite dark yet.

Night was not a good time for a female to be out by herself.

She’d waited for the break in the guard, when she knew she’d have a few minutes to climb over the wall that surrounded the compound where she lived. She’d had one moment of panic, when she thought Gerry wasn’t going to take his usual, sneaky cigarette break. He’d seemed to be taking guard duty seriously for once. But it seemed his good intentions only held so long. He’d finally broken down and snuck off to have a few puffs, and she’d scurried over the wall.

She knew she should tell her brother about the weak spot in his security, but she didn’t want to get Gerry in trouble. Truth was, he was an okay guy. Just, you know, lazy.

As she lay on the floor, she became aware of someone entering her bedroom. A face crossed into her line of sight, and she tensed, ready to dive away.

When she saw who was staring down at her, she had to force her body to relax. It wouldn’t do to show any fear. Not that she worried about Carlin hurting her. But he used emotion as a weapon, and it was never a good idea to give her brother ammunition to use against you.

“Hey, bro,” she said weakly. “How’s it hanging?”

“Bad,” he replied in a dark voice. “Very bad.”

“Yeah?” She sat up, aiming for casual but certain she didn’t achieve it. “You should get that looked at.”

“This is not the time for your jokes,” he snapped. “Where have you been?”

“Been? What do you mean?”

“Damn it, Georgina,” he roared. Turning, he grabbed the door and slammed it shut then he smashed his fist into it. The wood creaked, and when he turned back to her, his knuckles were dripping blood.

“Shit! Carlin, what the hell did you do that for?” She got to her feet, grateful her legs supported her, and walked into the bathroom. Grabbing a cloth, she wet it then pulled out the first aid kit.

When she returned, he was sitting on the bed, his elbows resting on his thighs and his head hanging down. He looked defeated. She paused for a moment, shocked. She’d never seen him like this.

She knelt before him and gently grabbed his hand, dabbing at the blood with the cloth.

“You have a few splinters.”

He watched her in silence as she fixed him up. It was weird. He was never this still. Or quiet.

When she finished doctoring him up, she leaned back on her heels and met his gaze.

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