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Just For You, Sir (Doms of Decadence 1)

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“No thanks needed.” He ran his hand down her cheek. “You’re looking a bit pale, is everything all right with you? The drive isn’t getting to be too much?”

She leaned back, rolling her eyes. “You’re starting to sound like Brax. You know a lot of people have longer commutes than I do.”

“Yes, but they aren’t my sister,” he said, watching her worriedly. She was definitely pale and tired.

“What is this appointment you have tomorrow?”

She and Brax were staying the night because of an appointment they had in the morning. Derrick hadn’t really questioned her about it, but from the way she couldn’t meet his gaze, he now wondered if that had been a mistake. A surge of alarm filled him.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she said.

“Holly,” he said warningly, turning her to face him. “Spill.”

She sighed. “Brax and I promised each other that we weren’t going to tell anyone until we knew for sure, but, well, we think we might be pregnant!”

Derrick sat back in shock. He hadn’t expected that. Then he stood, swooping Holly up in a big hug and swinging her around.

“Oh, love, that’s fantastic.” He set her on her feet. “I’m going to be an uncle.”

“Well, we’ve only done a home pregnancy test, and although they’re meant to be pretty accurate, I want to check with the doctor.”

“You’ve got an appointment with an obstetrician tomorrow? Have you checked them out? Do they have a good reputation?”

“Whoa.” Holly held out her hands, laughing. “I’ve done my research. Dr. Francis has an excellent reputation; she’s very popular so we had to take the first available appointment.”

“Good. Here, sit down. Bloody hell, I shouldn’t be swinging you around like that. Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m fine. Just a bit tired. I haven’t been sick yet, although I’m sure that’s coming.”

Derrick frowned. “How far along are you?”

“About 6 weeks.”

“You shouldn’t be traveling so much if you’re pregnant, you need to get more rest.”

She blew out a frustrated breath. “Derrick, please, I’m fine. I don’t need both you and Brax on my case.”

He knew when to back down. Although he would be talking to Brax about this the first chance he got. Holly needed to take things easier. It was probably time he started looking for another assistant. Maybe someone to help out part time so Holly could just work from home.

He’d miss her terribly, but her health and safety came first.

“Okay then, love. What say we order some takeout. What’s healthy for a pregnant woman to eat?”


In the end they settled for pizza. Brax arrived a few minutes after the pizza was delivered. After finishing their meal, they all sat in the living room. Derrick leaned back in the sofa with a yawn.

“You look tired, man. Somethin’ going on?” Brax asked.

Holly was snuggled against Brax on the sofa. “He’s been preoccupied for the last two weeks.” She tapped her chin, thinking. “You’re not having nightmares after having seen that accident, are you?”

Derrick held back his smile. It was nice to have someone be concerned about him. “No love. No nightmares.”

“Then what is it? I’m worried about you.”

Brax gave him a long stare, one that very clearly told Derrick he better clear this up right now and put Holly’s mind at ease. Derrick nodded. In that, they were both in agreement.

Derrick sighed. “I’ve been thinking about the girl I met at the accident.”

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