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For The Love Of Sir (Doms of Decadence 3)

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This was all their relationship was. His money, her submission and some really hot sex. Oh, and she’d let herself fall in love with him. She couldn’t keep going on like this. Each day she was dying just a little more inside.

Tara pulled herself together, determined not to cry about it. She’d gone into this with her eyes open, the fact that she was hurt wasn’t his problem. She needed to come clean with him. Soon.

“No, it’s nothing to do with money. It has to do with my old job.”

Alex glanced at his watch. “Sure.” His phone rang and he frowned. “Damn, I have to take this, can we talk later?”

“Sure,” she said quietly. “Later.”


Tara sat in the dressing room, trying to find the energy to move. She needed to take charge of her life again. She deserved happiness. She deserved to be loved. And Alex deserved her honesty. She’d broken their contract and she needed to tell him.


Glancing over, she summoned up a small smile as Reagan walked towards her.

“Reagan, how are you?”

The other woman shrugged her shoulders. “So-so. Still can’t get Dash to talk to me. When he sees me coming, he walks the other way. I don’t understand it.”

Tara bit her lip. She’d heard about Reagan’s scene with Dash, one of the younger Doms. She’d pretty much torn him to bits. It wasn’t nice to laugh, but it was a little bit funny because Dash happened to be an arrogant jerk.

“Who knew that giving him a few tips would hurt his feelings? Doms are so sensitive sometimes.”

Tara couldn’t hold back her grin. “Uh-huh, probably best not to tell them that, though.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. So, I heard you and Alex are together.”

“Sort of.” She turned to look at herself in the mirror. “We have a mutually satisfying relationship.”

Reagan frowned. “What does that mean?”

“It means we fuck and we play and nothing more.”

“Oh.” Reagan was quiet for a long moment. “You don’t sound too happy about it.”

“Don’t I? I guess I feel like I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop all the time.” She sighed. “Just ignore me. I’ve been job hunting all week and it’s depressing me. There’s only so much rejection a girl can take.”

“You’re looking for a job?”

Tara nodded.

“Perfect,” Reagan said with a big smile.

“Uhh, it is?” Tara asked in confusion.

“I need an assistant. Mine is retiring. You’re hired.”

“Reagan, you don’t even know my credentials.”

Reagan waved her hand. “If you’re no good, I’ll fire you.”

“But that would hurt our friendship.”

“How? Work is totally separate from friendship.”

Okay. It wasn’t that simple to most people, but she supposed if Reagan could separate her work and social life, she could as well.

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